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chapter 24

"She go toilet?"
Asked Dylan again.

Answer his friend.

"Oh My God. What if she see me with FuJing just now. I'm done"
His head automatic hurt when he think about that.

The meeting already end and they will sleep at the same hotel just different room for tonight.

Dylan take a weak walk to his room but his step stop when he see YueYue hug someone and he don't recognize that man because his body facing backward. Dylan take step to near them and finally he know who that man. That man is Dy or Dylan Xiong. Popular actor and singer but now become succesful bisnessman in the young age.

Dy only persuaded YueYue to stop crying since then. She doesn't stop cry when she Incidentally look Dylan and Fujing kiss inftont of toilet. With a rumble heart, YueYue ran and left the area. As a oldest siblings, Dy who saw the incident strived to calm YueYue by hugging her but what Kai Dylan just saw not like that.

Dylan so angry when see what happen infront of him right now. Without he realize, he already infront of Dy and anger punched Dy's face untill he fell down in the floor. YueYue so shocked, that incident to fast for her. She wanted to help her ge stand up but prevented by Dylan.

"Why you punched him?!"
Shout YueYue.

She so angry now. Many pair eyes see them now but they just ignore that eyes.

The pain in Dylan waist automatic gone in that time but only the angry feeling was taking place at that time.

"I don't like he hug you. You just belong to me"
Shout Dylan back

No more Baby, Hubby all that turns to you and i.

"Dy ge, you can go first. I will contact you when this bullshit thing finished"
Said YueYue to Dy

Dy only nodded his head and went to leave ShenYue and Dylan alone.

"Why did he hug you?"
Ask Dylan with a red face.

"It's up to me who i want to hug. Who are you in my life? I'm free to do anything. This is my life, you just stranger. You have no right to arrange my life"
Reply Yueyue directly look in his eyes

"You belong to me. No want can get you if you not mine. You mine alone!"
Reply Dylan

"Who are you to say like that.I'm not yours. I don't wanna see your face anymore. Just go with your new girlfriend. Kiss her untill you two die, i don't care anymore. Go! i hate you two. Just go from my life!"
Shout YueYue infront of Dylan face

Shout Dylan before he stepped away. The pain come again, but this time it's more hurt than before. Because he can not stand it the pain he experienced, he was accidentally broken down the hotel's vase and his hand was poured some of the pots glass before his eyes were filled with darkness.

'White ... why all  white ??'
asked Dylan in his heart.

"Ge...Dylan ge..."
Call a littlr boy in 4 or 5 years old

Said Dylan

"Ge can you company me in here? Zhangjing alone in this place. Nobody want to be my friend"
plead that little boy

"Zhangjing, where i'm now?"
Ask Dylan to.Zhangjing

"Ge in another world now. Can you company me now? I'm so happy when see you, i'm not lonely anymore"
Smile that little boy

*Zhangjing is Dylan's younger sibling. Actually, he have 3 siblings include him. But his younger brother die in the car accident when he and his friend go to school camping.

"Doctor, what can we do now?"
Ask nurse to doctor infront of her right now with worried face

"We make as much as we can make" the doctor said.

Various ways to make the heart of the Dylan Return back but .....

Outside the surgical room
"Miss, can i know who are you with this patient?"
Ask the doctor

"Im .... Im ... his girlfriend"
Answer YueYue

" Dylan is in a critical condition. His kidney is damaged and he lost a lot of blood before he reached  at the hospital. Hope Miss has a lot of patience and pray for him that everything is safe/okay"
says the doctor known as Doctor Hyunjin

YueYue fall on the floor. Why all this happened.

2 hours later .. the door of the surgical room opened.

"Doctor, what Dylan condition now. He okay right?"
Ask YueYue with pale fac

"Sorry Miss ..We  all the best to save Dylan. But his condition is very severe. I'm sorry" said the doctor.

YueYur almost faint there if her body was not greeted by Dy.

Cry YueYue in Dy hug

Five minutes later the trolley contained Dylan's dead body closed with a white cloth in front of Naeun.

"Dylan....Hubby, please wake up. Dont left me alone. Hubby... please...wake up....."
Cry YueYue beside Dylan dead body

"Cry YueYue beside Dylan dead body

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Name : FuJing a.k.a Jinna
Born : 1995
Company : Banana culture (same with Yanjun and Zhangjing)
Group : Rocket Girls

Author note :

1. Lets be happy....

2. This story near to the end... Hope you all support me in the next story...

3. Enjoy your reading....

20/11/2018 - 878 words

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