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Shout YueYue from her bedroom.

ShenYue's breathless in her bed. Sweat full in her face and her hands shake with fear. That dream feels like real to her. She can't imagine if it really happens to Dylan.

Meanwhile, Yanjun, Dy and Kuanlin already infront of YueYue's bedroom. They run into her bedroom when they heard YueYue scream in the middle of night. Their worried face showed in their face when they meet at the infront of YueYue room.

Dy just wait infront of the door while Yanjun and Kuanlin already enter YueYue room to check YueYue condition.

"JieJie, What happen? Why you scream? Has someone enter your room? Are you alright?"
Ask Kuanlin without stop

"Kuanlin, give your jiejie breath first.
If you ask her question without stop, when she can answer your question."
Said Yanjun while hold YueYue's hand slowly.

"Breath sweetie...Slowly..Okay. That's my sweetie"
Said Yanjun again

YueYue take her breath slowly. Her heartbeat from raging/faster to slowly and better. Her hands also doesn't shake anymore.

"I just worried Yanjun ge. Who not shocked when your family member just scream in the middle of night. I'm scared if something bad happen to our family. I don't wanna lost one of you. I'm sorry JieJie. But why you scream?"
Ask Kuanlin

"Yup baby. Just tell us, why you scream?"
Said Dy at the door.

He look YueYue with worried face.
YueYue look her ges and didi with tears in her eyes.

Cry YueYue in Yanjun's hug

"Yes, i'm here. Why? Don't cry please. Tell us what happen"
Said Yanjun while his hand slowly rocking behind YueYue body to make her stop from crying.

"I'm dream....about....."
Said YueYue with slow voice

They can't hear what YueYue said. Her voice so slow to hear plus she cry make them hard to understand what YueYue said.

"What baby say? Ge can't hear it. Stop cry first baby. It's hurt when see you cry like this."
Said Yanjun again

YueYue stop cry and distant her body from Yanjun body. She look from one to another one person in her room now. His mind and heart in war now. His mind keep say don't tell them but her heart keep say jus tell them about the dream. Finally, she decide to follow her heart and tell her ge and didi.

"I dream someone...."
Said YueYue

Ask Yanjun fast

"I'm dream Dylan. Hiks..Hiks (just pretend this is sound of YueYue cry)
I'm dream he left me. He died, he died because of me ge. I'm"
YueYue cry again

"Why jiejie cry because of him again. Just let him die. He deserve to die after all that happen to our family. JieJie, just forget him! He not deserve you!"
Mad Kuanlin after hear what actually happen and reason behind his jiejie cry in the middle of night.

"Language Kuanlin!"
Yanjun shout back to Kuanlin and make all the person in the room automatic quiet.

"But ge!"
Condition in the room now become so tense

"If you done. Go out from this room!"
Said Yanjun while glare at Kuanlin

Because too mad with his jiejie, Kuanlin walk out from YueYue room with red face. He deliberately closes the door strongly and impact of that, the door make a loud sound. He not fully hate his jiejie, he love his jiejie more than everyone. Because of love to his jiejie, he doesn't want YueYue hurt again.

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