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Chapter 12 : Who that pretty girl?

"Haish, where this nerd girl go. From this morning until now, i don't meet her. Class also doesn't attend. This not like her"
Dylan complaint and sigh without realize that Darren already behind him and  he listen all his complaint about his nerd girl.

"You, why? i look you like zombie. Where your girlfriend?"
Ask Darren with weird face.

He never see his friend like this before. He look like something was gone and his soul already left his body.

Usually, his friend with YueYue but today he alone. That's weird for him.

"Hmm nothing Darren. By the way, you see YueYue today? I'm search her everywhere from this morning until now, but i got nothing. She banished like wind. Class also doesn't attend. But weird, her bag still at her place but she lost."
Ask Dylan to Darren behind him.

"I don't know. But i see her go to toilet. After that i don't know"
Reply Darren with stone face like always.

He saw Dylan's face pale. Maybe something happen to him. But what? He will not interupt others problem including his friend problem. For him 'Others problem is not his business'

"Toilet? XiaoYou also say toilet and gone. Maybe...."
Dylan remember what XiaoYou say before this and his brain automatic remember what happen in the stair couple hour ago.

'OMG, that person who run from the stair is YueYue?. NoNo she not hear what i say right?'
Dylan inner side talk

Shock with the reality, he stood up from his chair and held(genggam) his hand strongly as possible.(not until bleed)

"No,No! She not hear what i say Right?! I'm can't let it go"
Reply Dylan and after that, he rushed to the class backdoor and left Darren alone with many question in his head.

Behind school (school garden)

'Baby, where are you? Hubby search you everywhere? But your shadow also gone. Who hurt you? I will punished that person. Baby just tell hubby. But now where are you? I'm worried'

With mixed feeling, YueYue read Dylan message. She feel sad and mad. But more mad to herself. She know that he just play with her because she nerd but she doesn't know until this stage. He will do anything to win the bet. She think she can change Dylan back to himself, like who his before this. And She wrong. He will never change.

She start to like Dylan, to love him but its just game that Dylan create to win that bet. She feels so hurt like her heart stabbed by sword many time until no blood sheet again.

YueYue cry like that day is the end of her life and effect of her cry is her eyes become so swollen and red impact of cry unstop.

She stay like that for long time. Finally she stood and determine to take revenge to Dylan for what he doing at her. His action can't be forgiveness.

"You will get back what you deserve. Be ready Dylan"
YueYue swap her tear with her finger and smirk evilly.

At cafe

Dylan not satisfied with his search. He go everywhere that he know  maybe YueYue go there. But the result none of this place has YueYue.

His message already read by YueYue but none single reply from his nerd girlfriend. He don't know what he do wrong and hope that shadow who run from he and his gang not YueYue.

His mouth say doesn't like but his heart already fall in love wih her. Though YueYue is nerd girl but he saw something in herself that make Dylan attract with her. But YueYue now gone without any news. And with single message make Dylan world crashed.

'I hope you not search me again after this. This is last message i send to you. Congratulation to you because you success make me fall in love with you. Congratulation again because you win that bet. I hope you spend that money in correct way. But why i care, it's up to you right. Thanks make my heart crashed and turn into pieces with your action. I appreciate time that you spend with me. Goodbye'

From stood up he sit after read YueYue message. His tears flowing out from his eyes. His regret doesn't use now. What he hope now become reality. YueYue fall in love with him. He should happy because he win the bet and no nerd girl in his life anymore but the feeling not like that. Now, he feel his heart so hurt, like he lost something that so important to him. Gone,banished and empty.

A month passes so quickly. After that incident, Dylan doesn't see YueYue anymore until one day...

"Girls, we have new students. So pretty and handsome. They look like angel fall from heaven. I bet they will win king and queen for prom this year. So matched, one pretty one handsome. Omg!"
gossip one of Dylan classmate.

Many of student near them like they are sugar and the other student are ant. Ant like sugar right? Thats their situation now. So crowded until the hall full of student to look them and this make Dylan so curious about them.

He walk to look what happen when some student already shout like crazy like they meet their idol.

And that news is true. They look so pretty and handsome, he admit. But when he look at  new girl, he feel something that he can't say. Something in his heart say he know that girl but his brain say who?

He look so deep until he not realize that the new girl already infront of him.

"Hi hubby."
Ask the new student.

"Hubby?" Ask Dylan.

'Wait! only one person call him like that. And that person is YueYue his nerd girlfriend! '
Dylan inner mind talk to him

He look at the girl but unfortunately that girl gone from his sight. When that girl gone, he also realize that new boy also gone.

 When that girl gone, he also realize that new boy also gone

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Note :-

1. i'm write and published...i'm not checked back for grammatical error in this story

2.Happy reading...

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