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Note :
1.I'm sorry i'm bit busy this day to update this story
2.I'm not check back what i'm write, sorry for many grammatical error.
3.Thanks for read,comment and like this story...

Chapter 14 : why?why?

"Wait, give me talk first"
ShenYue talk

Reply Dylan short.

His face from bright turn to sour after hear what YueYue next sentences.

"Who are you to call me baby. Only my boyfriend can call me like that. What i know my boyfriend is Yitian and not you. So you don't have right to call me like that."

"And before i'm forget, you are nothing to me except you are one of my classmate. Anything you want say? Hurry, i'm already late for my dating with my lovely boyfriend. I have so lucky to meet him, he sincerity and like who i'm not like someone who hurt some else just for win some game"

"What you want to say. Faster, i'm late already"

What ShenYue talk make Dylan heart so hurt until bleed. Her words so deep and make Dylan so ashamed with his action in the past.

"I just want to talk abou-"
Dylan word doesn't finish when YueYue cut in the middle of sentences.

"Time up. I have to go now"
ShenYue left after she said like that to Dylan

Dylan sigh alone in the back of school. Not long enough, he get one message from unknown.

'Meet me at the back of school tomorrow at 2pm. I have something important to talk with you'


Like the promise, Dylan go to the back of school to meet person who send the message to him. And what he expect is true. He look Yitian walk to him with stone face, not reaction at all at his face.

Without anything, Yitian just give short talk and that talk make Dylan feel so angry with him. His face change from white to red colour because effect of angry what he feel now.

What Yitian say to Dylan that make Dylan angry? That's the answer below there...

"I hope you doesn't disturb YueYue life from this time and for the future"
After say like that, Yitian move his feet to left Dylan and his feet automatic stop when he hear what Dylan reply to him. With anger started to rise in Yitian body, he face back Dylan who not move from his space.

"What you say? Replay again! I Don't hear what you say!"
His blood now start to increase and his condition full with anger now.
His face change automatic from white to a little bit red and now fully red.

"I said ShenYue is Mine!! You stole her from me. So, now i want you get lost from her life. Not me!!"
Reply Dylan with same angry like Yitian.

"You left her, so you get lost!! You hurt his heart! You talk bad behind her with your friends!! You think she doesn't know what are you doing behind her. What your game you play with your friends? She knows everything. And now, you want her back? That's are bullshit!"
Yitian patience almost none when he talk to Dylan.

He was not willing to see his little sister crying again because the man like Dylan. Because of mad at Dylan, Yitian fired his punches on Dylan's face.(He give Dylan punches right on his face).

As a result of the tumbling, Dylan was hit in the ground with his hand holding the place of Yitian's punches in his face. Wondering that Yitian knew his plan for the time, and he was still twisting out of all unknown questions when hearing a person shouting his name.

'That's voice'

YueYue shout Dylan and Yitian name when she saw her twin brother punches Dylan face. She coincidence go to their place. Firstly, she want to ignore it when she here someone argue something behind the school block but her step stop when she noticed one of the voice. That voice like her twin.

Without waste time, she walk to look what happen to her brother. She afraid if Yitian involved with bullying even though YueYue knew that her brother was ble to defend himself from the bully.

Without wasting the time of Naeun to step down. At the opponation involved with the bullying even though Naeun knew that the oppress was able to defend himself from the bully.

She and her twin were taught the art of defending from small, not surprisingly when she and he brother could represent the country in the field. The fact that all her siblings know material arts. So, they doesn't need any bodyguard like other people to protect them when they out.

When YueYue at the place, her eyes automatic larger when he see Yitian punches Dylan's face.

YueYue look Yitian with scared face
.Not believe Yitian will punches Dylan.

"Follow me. Just left boy like him. He not worthy for you"
Said Yitian then he pulled YueYue's hand and went to leave Dylan alone

At cafe

"Wei, why you like this? Who so brave to punches you? He so brave, I'm salute"
Ask Caesar to Dylan

Reply Dylan weak

"That new student? I hear he with one pretty student. You know who her name?"
ask Caesar again

Dylan reply with short sentences

"YueYue?? ShenYue?? Really?? You make joke or what. Nerd girl turn to pretty girl in just one month. I'm not believe it."
Caesar laugh

"She really YueYue that nerd girl. I'm not make joke now. Stop laughing before im punches your face"
Dylan threat Caesar

Automatic Caesar laugh stop when he hear what Dylan said. What he said he will do it without look beside,or behind him.

"Hmm, Yitian and YueYue know my plan and i'm so shock when she know about our bet. I don't know where she know about it but i know that girl is YueYue"
Said Dylan

Caesar just nod his head without utter any word.

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