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Yeah one chapter more and this story will end officially....

sound of door is kicked by some people. Not long enough, enter some big border men with complete weapon in their hand and waist to the old house.

"Who are you?"
Ask Minglin with shock.

Nobody knows the location of this old house. Event satelite can't trace this place. How they can know about it.

"You and your gang doesnt need to know who are we"
without wasting the time, the man to approach Minglin and his gang and teach him like how they make Dylan.

"ShenYue can take Dylan out from this place. Dy already wait you two outside this house. About this problem, we can manage it. Believe us"
Show one of the men while showing her finger to Minglin.

SheYue and helped by a man took the Dylan and went out of the old house and soon the house was exploding and only left the rest of the wood.

The bears of wood and a tree, one man smile happily when he saw YueYue and Dylan hugging.


'Ring Ring'
Sound of phone rang in Wang and Shen residence.

"Hello. May i know who are this?"
Ask the person who pick up the phone

'You do not have to ask me who ... What i want you to do is, you provide a RM 2 million if you do not want your child to die. By the way,before im forgot, I want you to work with WangZhenYu and do not call the police. If you doesnt do what i want, im not gurantee that you child will safe. About the place, i will tell letter. "
ShenRukai so shock when he hear about that news. He faster take his another phone to call YueYue but her phone already non active. Thats make him worried more.

With the heavy heart, RuKai call Zhenyu and inform about this news.
Without he know, ZhenYu also accept same phone call and same request. They accept to forget their compete for now. What more important is their child not their company or so whatever. They collaboration to make plan to save their children.

Arrived in the promised place as planned they both cooperate with all their heart to save their kidnapped children.

Eventually they managed to save their children but something wrong with all of this. And why they need to work together. Why the kidnapper ask them do together?? Its weird..

end flashback

"Ok cut. Well done"
Shout some man behind the tree

All the man in there was stunned and looking at the screaming person and turned out the person who screaming is Yanjun.

"Thanks all for make this plan success" said Yanjun again

Dylan's family and YueYue's family all saw Yanjun with a strange face ripple.

"By the way,im not only person who behind this plan. Lets me call my assistent. Come here, Yitian ge, Luhan ge and Darren."
Call Yanjun

"Hi dad"

"Hmm Papa"
-Yitian and Darren

"Ok i know some of you feel weird with this situation. We sorry if you all feel betrayed with all this. But, for me, we do this because we have strong reason. Firstly, as YueYue brother, im unwilling to see my sister cry again because of Dylan. Because we love her, we will make sure our sister be haply with man she choose. We know that Dylan
loves Yueyue and this incident is evident with Dylan willing to protect YueYue with his body. He willing to get hurt and injured for YueYue."

"Second, we know that papa and uncle are hostile/enemy but for Dylan and YueYue, we hope you two can cooperate. Take refreshed starting."

Yanjun said, while take the Rukai and Zhenyu's hand and united it.

Just A Love Bet (Dylan & Shenyue)Where stories live. Discover now