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Chapter 10 : Who It is?????

"Hubby, What happen? Who Kris??"
Ask YueYue with weird expression.

Her head now full with question now.
She know, she doesn't get answer if she continue ask Dylan about this matter and furthermore, Dylan already in his taugh.

"Nothing but don't meet him again.If you meet him, just run away."
Dylan give advice a.k.a warning to Shen Yue while YueYue just keep quiet without reply his advice. She still want to know who Kris actually to Dylan. Who that person that success make Dylan face change in split of second.

At school

*Baby look at me now...~
Look at me now.... ~

Her phone ringing continue and continue. After 5 minute, finally Shen Yue answer that phone.(She not answer stranger phone number. If important, the caller will call her 2 or 3times and after that she will answer that call. For her security, she do like that. In her head now, so many scam that use phone number to scam).

"Hello, YueYue. That's me Luhan. Dylan with you or not right now? "
Ask Luhan with worried voice

"No, i'm at class now. He not attend today class from this morning. Why Luhan ge? Something wrong?"
Ask YueYue back to Luhan

*(Forget where Luhan get ShenYue phone number.
If Dylan know that his ge have his girlfriend number, what his reaction? Mad maybe or maybe jealouse)*

"Oh nothing, but if he come to class,call me soon. If i'm not trouble you, can you search and find him. I'm afraid something bad will happen to him. My feeling not so good from this morning untill now when he say he want to meet Kris. I'm not sure what will happen when they two meet. Before that happen, please stop Dylan. Only you can stop him from worse"
Reply Luhan long

YueYue with serious look at her face continue stare her phone for a while.

When her friend noticed that YueYue doesn't move event 1cm after her recived the call, just shook her body slowly. That action make YueYue come back to earth.

"Who calling you,YueYue?"
Ask XiaoYou

"Luhan ge"
Reply YueYue short

"Just Luhan...WHAT LUHAN???"
XiaoYou scream

"Luhan ge call you. What he want?"
Ask her again

"Search his Didi,Dylan"

"Oh his didi. What?????? Dylan is Luhan didi"
-XiaoYou scream again

That's scream make them to be attention in the class. All pairs of eyes look at them now.

ShenYue ignore thats all eyes that look her with weird face. Her goal now to found Dylan and make him stop whatever he doing.

ShenYue with shocked face,look her surrounding search for Dylan. But unfortunately what she search, doesn't have near her. She rushed to the place that usually Dylan and his gang always go. And the result is same. No Dylan at there just his gang only.

Suddenly, she remember what Dylan tell her before he left her house yesterday. Kris is a bully person in his old school. He bully Dylan until one day,Dylan absorbed/included(terlantar) in hospitals with broken legs and hands(badly injured). From that day, he like to keep silent, not talk like old days and learn all martial arts. After that, he change from nice student to jerk/bad student. No more smile, innocent face, honestly laugh. It change 100% of Dylan life.

She never give up what she doing now after remember that story. Tired she feels now, but YueYue ignore it. Found Dylan more important now than her tired.

Finally, she saw the usual body. Who else, its Dylan body. But he not alone. He with person who she meet at Piano store and someone she don't know. They look like argue with something so bad. Their dark aura are everywhere in that place.
Without waste time, she approach him.

"Hubby" calls YueYue to Dylan

"What are you doing here. Go back"
Reply Dylan with scary face

"Oh, she your girlfriend. That's make my job easy"
That man say while he pointed the gun to YueYue direction.

(sound of gun)

The incident happen too fast for YueYue.She opened her eyes and saw Dylan repent in her side with the hand cover of his stomach. YueYue diverted Dylan's hand, she saw the many blood from the Dylan's body.Like the crazy girl, YueYue screaming for help. The terrific fear /offenders tries to escape but unfortunately his feet arrested by Dylan.He can not release the hold on his feet. Finally, he arrested by the police who are there. Dylan just  smiling before his world turn dark/black(fainted).

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