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Hi guys...I'm back with new chapter..
Hope you guys happy with this story...
And for the first time(for this story) less than 3days i got 100readers already... Thanks guys..

Chapter 9: In his eyes has many mysterious thing

In the living room of Dylan's house

"Baby, what you looking?"
Ask Dylan when he saw YueYue staring at his belonging so long until she doesn't hear what Dylan said to her.

"Oh, Just ... Hubby can play the piano?"
Ask YueYue without stop staring piano that caught her attentio

"Just a little bit. Not good as Caesar or Darren when they play piano"
Reply Dylan with smile show in his face.

"Hubby, can you play one song for Baby?"
With a glass of cup in her hand, YueYue approached the piano.

But something wrong happen to her, when her legs trap to each other and make her fall. As a result, the water in her hand slip out and spilled at the piano. With fear expression, she facing Dylan. Hope she not die on the spot because make his piano broken. She weird when Dylan not react like he should be. He just look with empty stare. Silent like wind. No emotion change, not sad,not cry,nothing. Like nothing happen.

"Hubby..hubby, baby sorry..Baby will replace hubby piano. Baby promise "
said YueYue. Her face from afraid change to want cry expression.

His word say like that, but when YueYue look his eyes. That's eyes say different from mouth. His eyes look like he keep something that so deep and can't say to someone else.

"Nope. Baby will replace with new piano. This happen because of me. And you must follow what baby said. No BUT, hubby understand?. Baby want hubby pick baby after school tomorrow. We will buy new piano for you"
YueYue command to Dylan.

Dylan just nod his head. After that, he go to his room to search something. She know, that just some excuse to hide. Before he go to his room, she notice that Dylan's face change from no expression to want cry. His face also become little bit pink than white colour like always.

She had asked Luhan about the piano and  she was right with what her guess  this time. Something wrong happen. Dylan spend many time with his piano. His family to busy with their business and doesn't have time to spend with him. He will play when he feel lonely. Luhan also talk about his (Dylan) song.

She noticed one note in the piano and take it. She try to read the note, and its true that all his song are about lonely song(sad song). YueYue finally understand why this piano so important to Dylan and determined to replace it with the new.

The next day, in front of the school

"Baby, you doesn't have to replace it. You need to spend a lot of money to buy that piano"
Ask Dylan while look at YueYue face

"NO!" Reply YueYue

Finally, Dylan give up with YueYue stubborn and drive to a store that sell piano

"Ok, now baby want hubby choose what you like. Take your time to make decision"
Ask YueYue while look some of magazine infront of the store. He saw many brands of piano and forget a while about YueYue. Without they notice, some man look them with curious look in his face.

That man ask YueYue alone

"Hi"reply YueYue while smiling.

"You know the man ?"
He ask while showing his finger towards Dylan.

" Yes, i know him.Why?."
Ask YueYue

"Oh nothing. Just ask. Can you send regard and tell him that Kris now out. Be ready".
After saying that, the man gone/banished like dust.

She look her right and left, but nothing found. She doesn't look that man anymore. His body also his shadow also gone.

"Baby ..." Call Dylan make her dream banished like wind.

"Oh yes why Hubby? Done pick? Let's pay" Asked YueYue

"Done. And hubby already pay it. So, baby doesn't need to pay anymore" Reply Dylan

"Done paid? Baby said baby will replace it by baby money,not like this. Why hubby pa-"
Once more her word just stuck in her mouth. Why? because when she want talk more, his hubby already kiss her lips and that action make YueYue shut up her mouth to talk.

"Let's back.Hubby tired"
Ask Dylan and pull YueYue hand to interwine their fingers together. That little action make YueYue blush till her ear.

"Oh before baby forget. Some man ask baby to send regards for you. Baby don't know his name. But he say Kris already out."
YueYue delivered the message

Dylan face automatic change into something that never YueYue look. He look mad, confuse, worried and many more in one time. Why her hubby like this?? That's question made in her brain but she doesn't want to ask now. When the right time, she will ask. But for now she will keep it.

 But for now she will keep it

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