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Hey guys im back...
I think im not update this story near one month..
Sorry guys, im so busy this month and i dont have laptop with me...
Yeah my target for this story finally done...
Sorry for uncorrectly grammar in this story. After i wrote i dont check back what im wrote...

Congratulation for 10k readers/ view..🌟🌟🌟🌟


Dylan hear someone voice call his name but the longer the voice become slow and slower. His head very hurt impact of something hard hit directly in his head and blood already form at the place where the hit taken. His eyes become heavy and heavy to open and finally the darknest infront of him. He fainted and the voice gone completely.

The bad guys ( i don't know to put how much kidnappers or their enemies in here. So just put bad guys because we still dont know their motive to kidnap YueYue).

They take Dylan and YueYue to old house near the lake. No communication, no road, no transportion, nothing. This house look so old and only have one light in there. If someone look the house, they will say its ghost house. So scary with the grass everywhere and the tree so tall and big. More precisely now they are in the middle of forest. No one will come that place anymore.

"Baby okay?"
Ask Dylan after his gaze/view was clearly. Their hand and leg tied in the pole in the old house.

He look at YueYue to confirm she doesnt have any injured. Finally he
pulling out a breath of relief when nothing happen to YueYue. But still her leg and hands tied with ropes, same situation with him but different place. He at the floor but she at the chair.

"Hahaha.. Finally you two wake up from fainted. You Dylan. I think you stronger, but with just one hit in your head, you fainted. Hahaha"
Laugh one man behind the mask

"You!!! Who are you??!! Show me your face!!"
Shout Dylan

"Haha what their said to you is true. You are so arrogant. Dylan Dylan... know your place. Now you in my place, not your place. My place my rule. You stubborn you die. Oh before i kill you, we see this girl so cute. What if we share her body infront of you? Hmmm"
The mask man look at YueYue body with tounge in his lips.

"Who are you!! Damn release YueYue. You want me right!!"
Shout Dylan again

"Yeah thats true that my target actually is you. But, this girl look so amazing. Look her cute face make me want her."
Said him and his fingers touch YueYue face slowly.

"Dont!! please. Release her. I will do anything, just release her"
Plead Dylan.

His tears already in his cheek. He never plead to anybody except YueYue but now he plead that man to release YueYue. He willing to do anything to make sure YueYue save from the bad guys.

"You want to know me?"
Ask that man and he finally open his mask and show his face infront of Dylan.

YueYue still in 50/50 because the bad guys already give her drug perfume. She hear everything but can't do anything.

Scream Dylan with big eyes.
He doesnt believe what happen infront of him now.

Minglin ( i dont know who Minglin actually. I just created that name spontanious. Sorry if any of you name Minglin).

He actually Dylan's old friend.but because of an incident that will be over his family and Dylan family, his relationship with Dylan is cut off.

"Why did you make me like this?" Dylan asked to his exfriend.

"Hahaha you asked why ?? I hate your family especially you! If I'm not friends with you .my family  do not die! Your family causes my family to die" Shout Minglin to Dylan

"What do you mean by my family the cause of your family to die?"
Ask Dylan

"Hmmmmm ... Need to me answer the person who near to die..hahaha..Cause you're my best friend. As for you ... You remember your father so good?? He pays man to run my family and make the incident like accident in others eyes."
Reply Minglin with smirk in his face

Dylan was surprised to hear it.

"Because of that you and your beloved girlfriend at here. I give you time with your gf before you two separated forever( Dylan die)"
Laugh Minglin

Dylan saw some big body men approached  Minglin and chatting with him while looking at him and YueYue while nodding something.

After they chat, then they approached Dylan. One of them release ropes that tied Dylan hand and legs. Before that, they give some drug that make Dylan cant move his body event his fingers.
They punched and kicked Dylan with big laugh in their face.

YueYue look Dylan body now full with cut,bruised and blood everywhere. She cry and shout to stop their kicked and punched to Dylan body. But her shout means nothing. They still kicked and punched Dylan untill they satisfied.

Dylan body doesnt move event one inches anymore. He doesnt have any energy anymore and accept his fate that maybe he will die today.

"Look who cry for you now. So pity. Hahaha. Because im good man, i release you to look you boyfriend for last"
One of the man come near YueYue and release the rope at her hand and legs.

After the rope missed, quickly YueYue got the Dylan body who had drowning and bruised in the floor with the blood all in his body.

"hubby please open your eye.."
Plead YueYue

"baby..forgive me before i die"
Reply Dylan with slower voice

"please hubby..dont die..i cant life without you"
YueYue cry harder and harder

He feel his eyes so heavy now. He want to sleep but when he remember YueYue condition, he try to stay stronger  and suddenly sounds the people screaming and fighting outside the house.

Not long enough, the house full with blacked suited man. Half of them hold gun and some of them hold knife. They enter make Minglin's man afraid and run to save their life.


Two chapter more and this story will officially finish...
Till we meet again in new story...

23/12/2018 - 1113 words

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