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I'm so sorry update this story so late... im so busy this week and doesnt have any time to write....
Thanks for reader who patiently wait for this update... And congratulation, this story have reached 6k readers...

Chapter 19


at naeun's home

"why papa ask we to back home Ge?"
Ask YueYue to Yitian

"I don't know about that. Just back home. Maybe papa want to talk about the message he send earily/recently"
Reply Yitian

His face now full with worried. If the news about their company bancrupt true, they will back to Taiwan and left all the things here. Its not good to YueYue because she recently look YueYue smile again and now this news can make her never smile again like old days.

"Let's go honey. Who last come to home will buy new clothe to the winner. 1..2...3...Go"
Yitian smile while run to their home

"Ge..You cheater, i'm still not ready. Ge wait me"
YueYue run behind Yitian with smile

They behaviour look like children now.Run and laugh, forget the problem they will face in the future.

Said YueYue.

Yitian look back when hear YueYue said something and he saw that YueYue had fallen into the floor.
He run back to YueYue to look what happen to his beloved twin and saw her knee already bleed.

"Omg YueYue. Your knee. I'm sorry, this all happen because of me."
Said Yitian while kneeling infront of YueYue.

He take out his handkechief and wrap around the wound to prevent another blood to out and to prevent bacteria from entering the injured place.

"It's okay ge. This happen because i'm not careful with surrounding, not your fault. I'm careless and all my fault. Don't blame yourself. Ok"
YueYue smile to Yitian

Yitian want to said something but his word cut by YueYue.

"No but..but..I can't walk. Can ge piggy up me?"
Said YueYue with pleading eyes

Yitian never win when YueYue start show her pleading eyes plus she use sweet voice. Any boys will automatic melt with this.

"Okay. Hope my back. I will support you. Be careful baby"
Said Yitian to YueYue and bend his knee to support YueYue to hope behind his body to piggy back.

 Be careful baby"Said Yitian to YueYue and bend his knee to support YueYue to hope behind his body to piggy back

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*Her siblings (Yitian,Yanjun,Darren) never have specific nicknames to call YueYue. They will call Yueyue as honey,love,sweety,YueYue,baby and more. And YueYue just allow them to call her like that. By the way, she like it.

"You are so romantic ge. Your girlfriend so lucky because she get you as boyfriend"
Said YueYue while smile and poke Yitian dimple.

She jealous with her siblings. Majority her siblings have dimple but she doesn't have it.

They finally arrived at home and see four cars infront of their house. She look Yitian and Yitian look her back. They knows who cars it is and their face automatic become worried. In their mind now
'What actually happen to their family until their others siblings at China now include his younger brother at Korea now at China.'

"Ge..the problems look like so heavy/bad until our younger brother at here. He at Korea right"
Said YueYue while her and hold Yitian hands tightly.

She think like that because she never look her siblings to reunited back like this. Her others brother always busy with their career as singer and actor while his younger brother at Korea as singer, so they never reunited altogether in the same time except for new year. And today is not new year and they all in here.So the problem with the company so heavy to their father think alone.

When they come in, they look all the family members gathering together at the living room while disscuss about something so important.

"Oh you guys already here. Comes. Wait honey, what happen to your knee?"
Said YueYue mama with worried voice

"Nothing mama. Don't worry. What actually happen until all gathering here"
Ask YueYue and look Yanjun,Darren,Dylan xiong(im shortcut to Dy) and Kuanlin.

"its nothing honey.But,we must go back to Taiwan tomorrow"
Reply her mama

"why mama?"
Ask YueYue

"our company in China have bancrupt because one of my enemy.I hate all of their family.I will revenge for what they do to our company.So tomorrow,you all have pack your things and we will back to Taiwan"
Said YueYue father

Said Yitian and YueYue simultaneously

"one more,all our asset in China have gone.Our company,our house,our car,our money everything have gone.We doesnt have anything in China.I have try my best to stop sorry"
He said all with tears in his eyes

He ashamed to look his child and make they trough all this. He failed to be father. Without he reliased his tears already falls from his eyes.

"im sorry..isk sorry"
His father now cry infront of his child and wife. The situation now become so heavy and she doesn't want her father cry like that. She hug her father tightly and cry together with him. After that one and one come and hugs them together.

He never look her papa cry like this. Her heart also hurt when someone hurt her family.

In the night

"Yanjun ge..Why everything go like this?"
Ask YueYue to Yanjun

*Yanjun is second brother after Dy and he also have twin brother name Darren

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*Yanjun is second brother after Dy and he also have twin brother name Darren. He works as singer in China and have cool face.

"honey,everything will be fine.I promise"
Yanjun hugs his beloved younger
sister tightly. He doesn't want to look fragile infront of YueYue. Enough when his siblings look their father and mother cry and if he fragile too what happen to their family. For his family, he try to look stronger

"Ge. May i ask you something?"
Ask YueYue again

"yes.what it is?"
Reply Yanjun with smile

"papa said our company bankrupt because his enemy.Who his enemg?"
Ask YueYue.

She want to know who her father enemy until willing to make their company bankrupt like that and her family broken like this. She can't see her father cry again. It's look so hurt like the sword stab one thousand times at her heart.


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