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"Ish i so mad when see him. If didi see him again, he just not get punched only. Erghhh so frust"
Said Kuanlin

YueYue look Kuanlin with sad face. If she doesn't love Dylan, everything will change. She look around her that where her others siblings sit. Majority of them still frusted with what happen in the festival. Only Dy ge has calm face but his hands still tightly hold his another hands. YueYue know, Dy personalty. Maybe he calm in outside but he burning in inside.

"Let's me see that wound in your face"
Ask YueYue to Kuanlin

"It's small matter jiejie"
Reply Kuanlin with smile

He doesn't want to worried YueYue with his wound

"No. You are singer Kuanlin and singer can't get any wound in his body especially in his face. What your fans will say when they see this..I'm sorry, this is all my fault"
Said YueYue with weak voice.

She want to cry when see her brother get injured and make other siblings mad.

"It's not your fault honey. Don't blame yourself okay"
Said Yanjun that seat beside her

"Ge, do you have medicine? I want to treat Kuanlin wound first. I don't know what to explain to papa and mama about this. Im afraid they will get heart attack when i say who do this to our didi"
Said Darren

"Wait here. I take medicine/firstaid at my car"
Said Dy and run to his car to take medicine

After 10minute

"Where Dy ge? Its so long just to take medicine. He park his car not so distance"
Ask Yutian

They wait and wait. Finally they see Dy come with first aid in his hand.

"What are you doing ge? Its so long just to take medicine. You take or make medicine?"
Tease Yanjun

"Ge take not made. You know i'm so popular and when i arrived at car, the fans already crowded infront of me. Thats make me hard to arrive at this place"
Said Dy with his shining smile

"Whatever ge. Just give me the first aid"
Said Darren and take the medicine in Dy hand to treat Kuanlin wound.

"If ge see his face again, i don't know what will happen next."
Said Dy

"If me,.maybe he will die in my hand"
Said Yutian

"Yeah, same with me"
Said Yanjun and Darren simultaneously

"Waaaa my handsome face not handsome again"
Cry Kuanlin loudly and he pout after that

They simultaneously laugh with Kuanlin action

"You are so believe in yourself di"
Said Darren while shake his head slowly

"Your didi so handsome okay. Thats why Sullie what me to be her boyfriend"
Said Kuanlin proudly

"Hahaha...okay okay, jiejie admit you handsome.So handsome than anyone in the universe"
YueYue said with laugh

"Honey you wrong. He not the most handsome in the universe. If you look a round you, you will see the most handsome than him"
Said Yutian

"Who ge?"
Ask YueYue with weird face

"It's me. Who else"
Said Yanjun

"No it's me,right sweetie"
Said Darren

"No no you all wrong. The answer is me"
Said Dy

"The answer is me. Yutian is more handsome than you all"
Said Yutian

"Hahah. Stop guys. You all so handsome. Thats why you are my siblings okay. You all so kindly, handsome, rich, popular and blaa bla...."
Said YueYue

"Yeah, we know about that. You make we embarrased sweetie"
Said Darren

"Group hug...."
Scream YueYue and hug Dy,Yanjun,Darren,Yutian and Kuanlin

"slow slow hug me jiejie"
Said Kuanlin pout again

"Okay okay, come here"
She hug Kuanlin again, but she more gently this time. Doesn't want to hurt her didi.

+Two days after that incident. They have meeting between Shen cooperation and Wang Cooperation about one project.

At the meeting room

"Baby, i'm sorry to punched your younger brother"
Said Dylan hold YueYue hands with his hands

"Mr Wang. I'm here because business/work not because personal matter. Don't mixed work with personal matter in here."
Reply YueYue and pan the hand that hold her.

Without look back, she walk left Dylan alone in his place. Dylan just stand like statue at his place. After 2minute, he realized from his imaginary and started to catch YueYue.

"Baby plese. I'm love you. My life change when you gone. Please back to me"
Shout Dylan when he see YueYue run fasters and he can't catch it anymore.

The workers just look that incident between Dylan and YueYue with weird expression. Some of them just smile while some others started to whisper between them. Dylan just ignore what the workers do. What he think now, how to make YueYue believe him back and love him again.

Dylan just walk out from the company where the meeting do. He hope he can see YueYue again. He search at car parking but nothing. She gone like dust.

"Where she gone? She so fast to avoid me. She so hate me now,she doesn't want meet me anymore"
Said Dylan to himself.

He sight and walk back to company. But he realized something weird happen. Her car still in the parking car but she gone. Where she go, if she doesn't drive her car. He walk while thinking and he step something that make his step stop.

He look at down to look what he step and its watch. Dylan take the watch and look at the figure.

Weird who watch it is

"Wait wait. SYY?? Its Shen YueYue watch. But why this watch at here?"
Ask Dylan curious

He look around to search YueYue.Maybe she near in this place. What he look next is,weird van infront of him and decide to check what happen.

"Wait, when i see this van?"
Dylan think and think and finally he get the answer

"The news always say one van that kidnap people.Yeah, its the van"
Said Dylan slowly

He slowly walk towards the van. And he lucky when he saw no one in that van. He wanted to turn back from the van,but he realized that in the van has one girl. Her hands and leg already tied with rope and she fainted.

He take decision to look who the girl.and he so shocked with the answer. The girl.infront of him not wrong it is YueYue.

"Baby...Baby...wake up..We must go now before the kidnapper here"
He try to untied the rope in her hand and leg but YueYue doesnt move even inch from her place.

Dylan feel someone hit his head with something hard and he fainted impact of that hit.

Author note :

1.This chapter have many grammatical error because i'm not use google translate

2.Like i say, eng not my main languages but 3 languages... So my english so broken in this chapter..

3.Happy reading guys...

4. 3chapter more and this story and...

29/11/18 - 1155 words

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