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Go out of the company, ShenYue goes into her car while trying to control her mixed feelings. There is a sad and happy feeling. Happy because she can see Dylan again but the feeling turn to sad when she remember back what Dylan's family do yo her family.

She admit that her feeling on Dylam never gone down even a little but for her family sake, she had to forget about Dylan include her feeling. But now he reappearing infront of Yueyue. The memories when their together appear back one by one.

'Why hubby, why you appear back in my life. Baby not strong enough to through all this'
YueYue talk slowly in her car while put his head into car dashboard.

While in the company, Dylan still thinks what the meaning of YueYue said, and what happened between their families. But he still determined to make YueYue back to him, be his back(make her his).
Tired of thinking, he take decision to ask his papa directly.

At Dylan's home residence.

"Papa, i want to ask you about something. Do you free now?"
Ask Dylan to ZhenYu

"I'm free. What you want to ask me?"
Ask his papa back

"It's about..... Errrrr do you know YueYue family? I mean ShenYue family. Her papa name Shen Rukai from Shen cooperation"
Ask Dylan back

"Who??.Shen Rukai! Don't call that name again infront of me. Papa hate that name and all his family!"
snapped ZhenYu.

He totally mad now when his son mention his enemy's name.

"Why papa? Actually, who that person? Why papa so mad when Dylan mention his name?"
Ask Dylan shocked with his papa reaction

"He is my enemy,our family enemy and our company enemy. Papa doesn't like him from the start. Now, i'm satisfied with their family condition. Poor without any property"
Zhen Yu laugh when remember his assistant tell RuKai condition to him.

"What?!! What papa do untill they doesn't have any property?"
Dylan so shocked when he hear that news.

"Hahaha...Papa make their company bankrupt and papa seize/stole all their property include house and car. I'm so satisfied with my action"
Zhen Yu laugh again

Dylan doesn't speak one word anymore. Not because he doesn't want to talk but he can't talk back. He so shocked with all the information he get from his papa. Now he understand why YueYue behaviour/attitude toward him change 360 degree. His head hurt  to figure out how to back again with YueYue when their family hostile/enemy with each other.

At YueYue's home

Call YueYue to Yanjun while her hand hug Yanjun's waist from behind.

"Hmmm why sweetie?"
Ask Ilhoon back.

He turned his body and suprised when he see there was a tear in her sister's cheeks.

"Honey, why?.You not hurt right? Who make our honey cry? Talk to ge now"
Yanjun shaked YueYue's body a little to get answer.

"Ge, he appeared again"
Cry YueYue in her brother chest.

Ask Yanjun with worried face

"Dylan..." Answer YueYue weak.

"What?! Dylan?! He so brave to appear infront my sister. Don't worry honey. Ge will handle this matter. Stop cry please"
Said Yanjun with angry expression in his face.

He held his hand so tightly.

"It's okay ge. I can handle him"
Reply YueYue

"Are you sure?"
Ask Yanjun while his hand busy swipe YueYue tears in her face.

"Yes. Thank you ge"
YueYue hug Yanjun again and smile

"Anything for you,sweetheart"
Reply Yanjun smile untill his dimple show it in his cheeks.

Yeah. All YueYue family members now know how Dylan treated their sister. From the start relationship untill their broken, all YueYue tell. That's why, Yanjun and Darren go to YueYue school to look who the boy who make their beloved sister cry and plus Dylan family make their family bankrupt make their siblings overprotective to each other. Doesn't want anything bad happen again to one of their family member.

In a hotel where the meeting between Shen cooperation and Wang Cooperation.

"Thanks to the present at this meeting. I hopes everything will run smoothly" the welcome speech from Dylan company

ShenYue just sits quietly between her brother(Dy ge) and a stylish man who is a her friend in Company and is one of the strong people in her company.

While Dylan who saw YueYue and two man known as Dy and Song Weilong chatting with smile in their face. He so jealous with their condition. If that tragedy doesn't happen, now he still can smile to each other. But what happen is happen, he can't back to the past time.

YueYue only used Dy and Weilong to make Dylan jealousy. She so satisfied when she saw a sharp look from Dylan's eyes to her direction. Before that, WeiLong had agreed with YueYue plan to use him to make her exboyfriend jealous of him. But for Dy, he just follow what his beloved sister say and want to know what the reaction when he look YueYue with another man.

Dylan just meet with Yutian,Yanjun and Darren. He doesn't know YueYue another siblings. So, he still doesn't know Dy is YueYue oldest sibling.

Because it is too jealous, Dylan brings himself to the toilet to wash his face. Before his foot enter the toilet, he feels some hand hug his waist from behind. He first thought that hand who hug him is YueYue, but he guess wrong this time. It's FuJing who hug him.(Don't mad at me.I'm new to Chinese idol and i just know few chinese idol name.And i used it. Sorry to Fujing fans)

"What are you doing here,Baby?"
Ask Fujing with her smile

Reply Dylan short and try to escaped from FuJing hug.

"Baby doesn't miss me? I miss you so much"
After saying that, FuJing kiss Dylan's lips and enter her tounge to Dylan's mouth

Dylan kiss her back. After a few minute, he finally realized what he doing is wrong. What happen when another person see he kiss infront of toilet(ok this so funny.Who will kiss infront of toilet?It's so not romantic place). Ignored that other person, he so scared when YueYue saw it.

With angry feeling,not toward FuJing but more to himself, he pushed FuJing untill she fall in the floor. His waist so hurt now. After that he just walk a way, left Fujing shout his name alone.

'What if my illness coming back?'
Ask Dylan in his heart while his hand busy to massage his waist.

Dylan looked around the meeting room but did not see YueYue, Dy and Weilong

"have you seen ShenYue ?"
Ask Dylan to his friend who seat beside him in the meeting room

"She said she want to go toilet. After that, i don't see her again. Not just ShenYue.Dy and Weilong also gone"
Reply his friend

Ask Dylan

Author note :

Guys, if this story have wrote Kai or Naeun name, i'm sorry. Because this story im translate from my another book (Thats gangster is mine) but the book is malay version.

One chapter im translate take me one hour because i'm not good in english. Thats why this story have many grammatical error and incorrectly in spelling. And after im translate,sorry im too lazy to reread back what im write.

This is important, i hope you all pray for my place safety. There are rumour that my place will go tsunami and there where weird cloud in my place last day. If im still update this story, so that tragedy doesnt happen(i hope so), but if not im sorry...

19/11/18 - 1281 words

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