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Two days past like that. ShenYue doesn't come to school anymore. Her twin Yitian also gone like dust. The news about YueYue and Yitian are twin spread like fire in the school. And who spread that news its still in mystery. Only Dylan know about that fact and he still confused about it.

Now, the desk beside him empty like 2month ago. No more nerd YueYue or Hottest YueYue sit in there.

He look at the desk with empty stare. Dylan already call or give message to YueYue phone but none of his call or message reply back. He feel something wrong or something bad might happen when they hug in the past and that happen now.

He just can sigh alone

"Why you sigh? Where your girlfriend? "
Ask Caesar, weird when he look Dylan face full with dark aura.

"I don't know"
Reply Dylan short.

He put his head at the desk and sigh again. Close his eyes and imagine when he open the eyes, YueYue infront of him. But, it's only imagine.

"She your girlfriend. Why you doesn't know?"
Ask Connor to Dylan

"I said i don't know where she go. She gone like dust. I try to contact her, but nothing. She doesn't reply my text, doesn't pick my call"
Reply Dylan with sad face.

"Maybe she has problem. Let it go. She will tell you when she ready. Don't sad like this. You look like zombie you know"
Small laugh from Caesar try to cheer his friend from sorrow.

"Hope so"
Dylan sigh for third time today.

"Kyaaaaaaaaaa. They look so handsome. Their dimple, OMG !!!!!!"
Girl shout out from their class.

Because of that, many students especially girls run to outside to look that things that the other girls shouting. And effect of that, the scream become more louder and louder because of many of girls also scream the same things when see that person.

"What happen?"
Ask Dylan to Caesar

"I don't know"
Reply Caesar while shake his face

"They came to our class.Omg!"
One of the girl from their class scream.

He look two of person walk to him with different aura. One happy aura and one more dark aura around them. The news true about them, they have handsome face, white skin, tall and have dimple in their face.

"You are Dylan right?"
The boy who wore white shirt ask him with no emotion in his face.

The smile face when he come, automatic change to no emotion when he infront of Dylan. Now two dark aura infront of him now. And the class automatic become silent when realized serious expression this two wore.

"Yes, i'm Dylan. May i know, who are you two?"
Ask Dylan polite.Dylan keep calm face

Sound of punched hear, after he admit his name is Dylan.

"No more talking Darren. This shit make our meimei cry because of shit things. You want money right? Darren give him now. I don't want look him anymore."
Say boy who wore red shirt to Darren.

"This money for you. Thanks hurt our meimei heart. If i see you again, not only punched you get. Oh, this second punched you get right. Before this, our didi already give you one. So, go from our meimei life"
Said Darren with scary smile

Dylan still in the floor effect of punched. He can't understand what situation now.

"Who are you? And who are your meimei?"
Ask Dylan with his hand at his cheek.

Just A Love Bet (Dylan & Shenyue)Where stories live. Discover now