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Chapter 11: That all for win the betting??

In hospital

"Hubby please wake up"
pleading ShenYue

Since yesterday she was crying on the side of Dylan weak body. She blamed herself for entry with Dylan's business so that Dylan was shot for  save her.

Dylan muttered some word that not so clear. Finally he wake up after two days in coma. His injured badly in stomach and lost so many blood during that process. ShenYue  almost near to faint when the doctor report his condition to her after he include in hospital two days ago.

After that she faster call Luhan to inform that Dylan real condition but Luhan can't go visited his Didi because he not in China now and his parents also can't visit him because of work.

So the guardian fall to her after Luhan speak to the doctor that charge Dylan in ward by phone call.

At hospital, YueYue take care Dylan with full of heart. He can't do anything without YueYue permission. Why YueYue like that? That's because she doesn't want his injured become worst. All work done by YueYue like give him food, water or even help him to toilet. That little work not bigger like what Dylan do for her. It's nothing by YueYue. And what YueYue see in Dylan is someone who need love. He lonely without someone beside him to talk or share his problem.

Yeah, maybe they spend time together is short than his gang. But Dylan personality little by little show to her. From outside he look like jerk or bad person but inside he only child who want attention, love and true friend.

The days fly so fast, the relationshio between Dylan and YueYue become closer and closer. Many of them doesn't believe what they see infront of them. Dylan laugh and listen what YueYue talk while his hand interwind with her hand. Dylan never laugh with other person beside his gang but now he laugh with nerd girl.
Writer write again 'With Nerd Girl'.

ShenYue start to fall in love with Dylan until one day. Her love banished like wind and she feel like trash in dustbin. So disgusting.


ShenYue walk to toilet. She need to wash her face to wake her up from dizzy in her head. When she walk, she hear Dylan voice behind the stair talk with someone that her doesn't know.

She walk near to ask Dylan something but what she near next make her heart fall in pieces. Like vase fall in floor. Broken in pieces. Like paper that thorn into several pieces and burn in fire and turn into dust.

At the next to the toilet where- Dylan and his gang is always hanging

"How about my bet?" Asked Caesar

"Oh that nerd girl? well you know me. It's Dylan,King of bet. Never lost. You guys look, in little time she will confess to me that she like me. We will see that, i'm promise. Only that nerd girl, it's so easy. Haha"
Reply Dylan proud with his action.

But he doesn't know that YueYue hear all what he and his gang say. She doesn't want to hear it anymore so she run to somewhere. Her face now full with tears. She regret??She happy?? She sad?? She mad?? She don't know anymore.

"ok.We will see"
Reply Caesar

"Wait, you hear what i hear?Like someone run"
Ask Caesar.
His ear always fast when hear something weird.

"No, just ignore it. That don't important"
Reply Dylan while sit in the chair beside the stair.
Actually he saw a shadow that run from stair to somewhere in hurry. He doesn't know who that, That's why he ignore it.

In class

"Where YueYue?"
Ask Dylan to XiaoYou.

He doesn't see YueYue from that morning after their second class.

#Second class Dylan and YueYue in class so Dylan see her in class. Third class, Dylan and his gang escape/absent and this time when YueYue hear it. Fourth class, Dylan attend his class back and YueYue not in the class.

He never see YueYue absent her class moreover her favourite subject. But now she nowhere/gone.

"I don't know. She said she want to toilet and after that she never returned to class"
Reply XiaoYou.


1. i'm not check back the grammar or my vocabulary.. so sorry if this chapter have many grammatical error.

2. Next chapter first secret character will revealed... so stay tune...

3. Thanks for read this fanfic

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