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"A week!?"

"Yes, Diana." I sighed. "I can't believe I have to spend the next week in detention with Gilbert Blythe, of all people!"

Cole smirked. "I have a feeling he likes you."

My eyes widened. "What! No, he doesn't? How dare you think such a thing!" I stated, pounding my fist on the lunch table.

Ruby, who was quiet through the whole conversation, flinched at the sudden movement. Cole raised his hands in mock surrender.

"I was just saying, you didn't need to get defensive," smiled Cole. There was nothing sincere in his smile. That bastard.

"What makes you think Gilbert Blythe would ever have such feelings for someone like me!"

"Don't talk like that about yourself. You're beautiful and anyone would be lucky to have such an amazing girl by their side," Diana placed her hand on mine and smiled.

"Thanks, D, but your kind words, appreciated as they are, aren't true at all. Have you seen me? You, my dear bosomed friend, is the perfect example of beauty."

Ruby huffed. "As cute as this is, I would like to remind you both that there isn't enough time in our lunch break for you guys to start a soap opera," she laid her fork down. "You're both very beautiful. Now can we just eat."

We nodded and quietly started picking at our lunches again, only interrupting the silence with small talk.

The bell had just rung, dismissing us from study hall, which was my last slot of the day. I slung my backpack over my shoulder, breathed out, and started heading to the library for detention.

Once I turned a corner I was intercepted by Gilbert. I rolled my eyes and he smiled in return.

"Hey carrots," he gave a toothy grin.

I gaped at him and punched his arm.

"Ow, what the hell," he said rubbing his tricep. "You punch hard for such a small person."

I huffed, "Serves you right."

"So I guess we will be studying together for the next week."

"It seems so."

"Well, at least there are a few good things coming out of this situation," his head turned to me and he raised his eyebrows.

"Oh yeah? And what might they be?"

There was no cheeriness in my voice. Maybe it was a little too aggressive. He must think I'm rude-actually no. He's the rude one here, he deserves it.

He only laughed. "You're cute when you're mad."

My ears turned pink and my face started to heat up but I narrowed my eyes at him.

I have a feeling he likes you. Cole's words rang in my ears, haunting my mind, and sending shivers through my bones.

My brows scrunched together. Gilbert Blythe would never hold such intimate feelings or show such infatuation towards someone of my kind. How could a man as chivalrous and charming as he, be able to muster feelings as cherished as love towards a damaged, ugly orphan, such as myself?

Gilbert interrupted my thoughts. "To answer your question, I find it a great thing that we'll be spending so much time together," he admitted. "Besides, having an abundance of friends will be greatly beneficial in the future."

"How so?" I tucked a strand of loose hair behind my ear. "Isn't that having too many friends could be similar to social suicide. It leaves you too vulnerable and trusting. I feel that it is quality over quantity when it comes to the people you surround yourself with."

Metanoia (Shirbert AU)Where stories live. Discover now