Golden Hours Pt. 2

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A/N: Bare with me in this chapter. I didn't spend that much time on the manips I created so they all look weird, but just go with it.

Gilbert's POV:

We had been walking for twenty minutes now. Anne had let go of my hand to check the time. I quickly took another picture of her as she started down the trail. She was a few feet ahead so I walked a bit faster to catch up to her.

"How much farther do we have to walk?"

"Tired already?" she asked smugly.

"What?" I sputtered. "No, I'm not tired. I was just asking."

"Not too long," she looked up. "In fact, we are already here."

I fixed my gaze forward and I stood in awe at the sight in front of me. Anne had brought me to a field of wildflowers. She continued to stroll into the sea of colors as I remained frozen to the ground.

"C'mon Gil, we got places to be and memories to make."

I walked forward as I watched her. She smiled and danced through the field. Anne picked flowers as she went, creating a ravishing flower crown. She tied up the ends and placed the ring atop her head. I smiled at the girl before me. She looked so free. Mother Earth herself could not compare.

Suddenly, she stopped in a clear area that had only grass.

"Could you hand me the blanket I asked you to bring?" She reached her hand out. I swung my backpack around me so I could retrieve it.

"Here you go, Queen Anne," I bowed, handing it to her. "Anything else m'lady."

She laughed as she unfolded the blanket.

"Yes, kind sir, it would be great of you to help me set this down."

I nodded and grabbed two corners of the piece of cloth. We fanned it out and it was placed perfectly onto the grass. Anne sat on the blanket and laid her flowers down gently, creating another flower crown.

I sat beside her, watching as her fingers gently twisted each stem. Once she had finished she turned to me.

"May I?" she looked towards the top of my head.

"You may," I smiled as she excitedly squealed.

She gently placed in on my curls, moving a few strands away so it could be more secure. She leaned back a bit to take a look at me. She pulled out her phone and snapped a picture.

 She pulled out her phone and snapped a picture

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She smiled down at the photo. She turned her phone to me so I could see it as well.

"Thanks for the new wallpaper, Slate-face." she mimicked my words from earlier.

I chuckled and pulled out my own phone. She knew what I was planning. She laughed and turned her face, trying to avoid the camera. Luckily, I took the picture just in time.

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