Epilogue Pt.1: I Get to Love You

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A/N: Oof it's been weeks but I'm back. There were supposed to be four more chapters but after days of deliberation, I have decided that there will be only two chapters as an epilogue and one final author's note. In this chapter, Gil and Anne are both 25.

I Get to Love You - Ruelle
Please Keep Loving Me - James TW


Gilbert's POV:

The early morning air of Avonlea was crisp as it filled my lungs. Birds glided across the sky with grace. The rising sun shined down on me as I sat on the front steps of my porch drinking coffee with Bash. Mary left a few minutes ago to take the two Lacroix children to school.

Bash took a sip from his cup and looked at me with a wide smile as he set it back down.

"So today's the day, huh?"

An anxious smile crept its way onto my lips, "Yep," I released a shaky breath and rubbed my hand through my hair. "But what if she says no? What if it's too early? Twenty-five is a bit young, I mean...I still have a few years of schooling to get through, and her teaching career has just begun. I...I just don't know Bash."

Bash kicked my leg, "Hey, don't back out now. Why would you ever doubt her love for you?" I looked down into the cup in my hands, "And twenty-five is not that young if your love is as strong as the one you two have. Besides, this will give you guys motivation and comfort in the months where you're away."

I sighed, "Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Of course I'm right. I've been a married man for eleven years now."

I chuckled as I stood up to head back inside, "Well, I guess I'll see you later, Bash. Wish me luck."

- - -

I muttered my speech to myself as I made my way down to Green Gables. The weight of a small box in my pocket brought a sense of anxiousness to my mind.

Once I was at the gates I placed my hand on the latch and released a breath before unhooking it and walking in. With each step towards the door, my heart pounded a mile a minute. C'mon Gilbert, you've got this.

I raise my fist to knock on the door, but right before my knuckles met the wood the door swung open. The redhead in front of me didn't seem to notice because as she was looking into the house behind her, she continued forward and walked right into my chest. A small squeak escaped her lips.

Her eyes were wide and her lips parted in shock, "Hello Gilbert, I was just about to walk over to your place and ask you on an early morning stroll."

I bent down to kiss her on the cheek, "Funny, I came by to do the same thing." 

She hooked her arm in mine as we descended down the steps to begin our walk. Her other hand was shoved into her coat pocket, to keep it warm I assume, but she kept fidgeting.

"Is something wrong?" I asked looking down at the girl next to me. 

Her head leaned against my arm, "No, everything is great. Diana just gave birth to her second child yesterday. The kids I'm teaching are wonderful, everyone at Green Gables is doing well, and we," she looked up at me, "we are as strong as ever." 

"Yes we are," I kissed the top of her head, "I'd take a bullet for you, Anne Shirley."

She scrunched her nose, "You're crazy."

"Crazy for you."

Her melodious laugh sounded through the trees as we walked to the Lake of Shining Waters. 

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