Cupid's Apprentices

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(A/N: The song in the media above (swipe) is written in pieces throughout the end of the chapter, so I provided a lyric video. I thought it fit perfectly with their story. Ok, carry on.)


Gilbert's POV:

As I walked to school with Anne and the rest of our friends, I couldn't seem to push down the thundering anxiousness in my system. Last night I was placed in a group chat with everyone except the red-head. They all let me in on their plan to get Anne and I together and I've been panicking ever since.

When Anne and I started talking again we hadn't discussed what we were. Our complicated relationship has remained complicated for far too long and I am tired of it. But the shadowing fear of rejection still scared the living hell out of me.

"Gil? Are you listening?"

"Hmm?" I turn to look at her, a dazed look plastered on my face.

"Did you even hear a word I said?" Anne looked at me incredulously.


She smirked, "Okay, fine. What did I say?"

My expression mirrored hers, "You asked if I heard what you said."

She rolled her eyes, "No, before that," she waved her hand dismissively.

"Before that, you asked if I was listening."

She threw a threatening look my way, "Sometimes, I question why I even hang out with you."

I place a hand on my chest in fake indignation, "Wow, and here I thought you enjoyed my company."

"I do, but that's only sometimes."

"Why must you bully me like this?" I asked with a serious face.

She shrugged, "It's one of the things in life that give me a thrill."

I shook my head and smiled. I turned to check on our friends who were walking behind us. Cole and Diana had their phones out, taking pictures of us. Diana jolted and tried to hide her phone before I saw it, but obviously, she was too late. Cole, however, only twirled his finger instructing me to turn back around.

I turn back around and focused on the road ahead.


Jerry's POV:

We were all sat down at a table for lunch. Anne was currently helping Ruby study for her Geometry test next period so I took the opportunity to discuss the plan.

"I have most of the supplies in my locker, Cole has the rest of it in his," I shifted my attention to Gilbert, "Did you do what we asked? Do you have them?"

The curly headed boy quickly glanced at the carrot girl at the other end of the table, then he pushed a thick envelope across the table.

Josie snatched it up and checked the contents inside.

"Awe, these are perfect. You actually did something right for once, Gil," the blonde smirked.

Gilbert rolled his eyes, "I also have this," he pulled something else out of his backpack, "Mary gave it to me and I asked Bash to add a special touch to it," a toothy grin was spread on his lips as he showed us the gift.

Diana squealed in delight and plucked it out of his hand. She examined the small object and smiled, "She's going to love this," Diana leaned closer to Josie and they both admired the thoughtful present.

"I hope so, it'll be pretty foolish of me if she didn't like it."

"As her bosom best friend I can confidently say that there is no doubt that she will say no after this plan plays out."

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