Stepping Stones

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Yn's POV

I ran up the stairs to the Intelligence Unit hoping that I wasn't late. "Is Voight here yet" I ask Jay. "Nope" he replied. I breathed out a sigh of relief and set my bag down at my desk. "Morning Al" I say to my partner. "Morning" he responded. "Alright listen up" Voight said and walked up the stairs. "I've got a name on those dope deaths. It's a dealer named Rev on South Emerald. As soon as Olinsky gets here, we're gonna..." Al cut him off. "Over here" he said and waved.

"We're gonna set up a controlled buy. Halstead and Lindsay in the doorway. Do not go inside" Voight said. "Got it" Erin replied. "All right, one more thing. We've been doing this, what, two months? Now more than ever, we keep everything in house. Understand? I don't care how they run other departments or how you came up. This is Intelligence, my unit. You tell me the truth, so I can lie for you. And if you ever go over my head, it'll be the last head you go over. Everybody goes home tonight."

We headed out to a set of apartments where Erin and Jay went undercover to see if they could find Rev and bring him to the station. Al and I were waiting in a car just outside of the apartment building keeping watch. They had a quick conversation with someone, and walked away empty handed. Something was wrong. Al pulled into an alley, and Hank, Antonio, Julie, Erin, and Jay met us there.

"It looked like blood. That and the fact that we don't know that guy" Erin said. "You don't have to justify it. You got a bad hit, you got a bad hit. Let's go in" Voight said. "No. 'Cause maybe it looked like blood? That's not probable cause to force an entry" Jules said. "He could have been marinating a chicken and spilled barbecue sauce on his pants" Antonio said. "We've got three O.D.s traced back to the heroin Rev's moving. You want to wait for another kid to die? We'll do a knock-and-talk, all right" Voight said. "Whoever's in control of the apartment gets all squirrelly, we'll take it from there" Al said.

We walked back to the apartment building and suddenly, guns were being fired at us. I ducked down behind a car along with Jay. Antonio called in the shooting as Voight turned to Al and Jay. "Go get the long guns." They left and headed back to our cars. Then, Kim and Kevin arrived at the scene in a cop car. Jay and Al came back and we started making our way up the stairs of the apartment. We stopped in front of the door that the shooting came from. Al rammed it down and I was the first to enter. "Police" I shout and check the first door. "Clear."

Everyone else passed me up to check the other rooms. "Body" Erin called out. "That's Rev in the john. Offender must have booked" Jay said. "Call it in. Clear the rest of the building. Shooter's in the wind" Voight said. Then, a noise came from a closet. I slowly pulled open the door. Inside, there was a kid. He had to be about 12 years old. Antonio and Julie put him in their car and we headed back to the district. "Alvin, I'm gonna need a fresh face in case we have someone pose as a buyer again" Voight said as we walked past. "I'll pull someone from the academy" Al responded. Al turned to me. "Want to come and help me pick out a recruit?" "I would love to" I say.

Walking up to the academy was so exciting. "This is like Christmas morning" I say and step through the doors. "Picking out a new recruit has been my dream for the longest time." We walked up to the director. "Who do you have" Al asked. "Gibson. Hands down the best cadet we have. He's super dedicated, no back talk, no ball breaking, aced the marksmanship. You need him when he's finished with the academy" the director asked. "I needed him five minutes ago" Al said. "All right."

"You want to kill yourself" someone shouted. I turned around to see a recruit sitting at a table with an authority figure. "You know what? I'll do it. I'll blow your brains out." The recruit then jumped over the table and knocked his authority figure over, and snatched the gun from his hand. "What do you think about that" the recruit asked. "What the hell are you doing" a supervisor asked. "You said the goal was to get the gun out of his hands."

Detective Ln; An Adam Ruzek Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now