Jurassic World [Owen X Reader]

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Author's Note: There have been some changes. For one, Simon Masrani never got his hands on anything to do with the dinosaurs and Dr. Wu isn't a major dick, but he's still kind of untrustworthy!

Imagine being the Heiress to the Hammond Fortune. As the only reliable relative to John Hammond, and the only one up to the task, it's up to you to make sure your grandfather's dream of a working park of dinosaurs comes to life. So going undercover, you finally find the time to visit Jurassic World to make sure everything is running smoothly and that those you've hired through InGen are doing their job correctly.

 So going undercover, you finally find the time to visit Jurassic World to make sure everything is running smoothly and that those you've hired through InGen are doing their job correctly

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Stepping foot on Isla Nublar after so many years since it first opened is a breath of fresh air. It's been a long uphill battle of finding investors for the park and keeping said investors interested to keep the park running, but in the long run all that hard work seemed to have paid off. Well.. mostly.

The investors wanted to see something new- something that would keep drawing visitors to the very secluded island. So with much reluctance and many legal documents binding your scientists to keep them from going too crazy, you gave permission to Dr. Wu to start cross-breeding dinosaur DNA to make something worth seeing.

So that's why you're here in person, to make sure everything is running smoothly. And since your identity isn't widely known as the Hammond Heiress, even less so to those who work for you because you didn't want to be belittled for being a woman, you keep your visit very hush-hush. You don't want anyone freaking out and making sure everything is in order for your visit because whether or not you're there, it should be in order already. Also without anyone knowing your true identity, you're still allowed to walk around with a pass that lets you in behind the scenes and to talk to those who are in charge of the various paddocks under the guise that you're just someone's family member with a bit of special privileges.

The first stop is the labs with Dr. Wu who's surprised to see you, but knows that your identity to everyone else is on a need-to-know basis. He doesn't make a big show about your presence and goes about his work day by showing you what he's doing. You're happy to see everything coming to fruition, but the lingering InGen security team seem a little too hostile for your liking. That and the fact that Dr. Wu completely bypasses several folders of crossbreeding that he seems anxious to keep you from noticing.

The Innovation Center and the Control Room are in working order, so you have no complaints about them. Though as you're making your exit from the control room, the head of security shows up and the man's arrogant persona rubs you the wrong way. But that- that can be looked into later. You're more interested in visiting the Velociraptor paddock and their handler Owen Grady who you've heard many great things about.

Arriving at the paddock, you're glad to see people milling about and doing what they're supposed to be doing. Stepping out of your vehicle, you're glad for the shorts and tank top you had remembered to pack because the hot humid air of the island is nothing to joke about. Then shielding your eyes, you make your way towards the octagon shaped paddock.

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