TCAOS [Gen Fic X Reader]

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Imagine visiting Spellman Mortuary to make funeral arrangements. You realize the Spellman's aren't exactly normal and come to find out you're more alike than you'd have ever thought.

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Standing outside of Baxter High, you await the arrival of one Sabrina Spellman. And in the dreary town of Greendale, she isn't all that hard to miss given she's always wearing something in the color of vibrant red.

When you finally spot her, she's arm in arm with her boyfriend Harvey Kinkle. They're talking to one another, laughing, and you almost feel bad when you step in their path. "Hi. Sorry to bother you guys, but can I have a moment of your time, Sabrina?"

The blonde girl grins and nods, and Harvey excuses himself with a smile after telling his girlfriend he'll wait for her inside. "So what can I help you with?" Sabrina then asks.

"Hi," you sheepishly mumble again. "Uh, my name is Y/N and I'm sorry to ambush you at school, but I have a question about Spellman Mortuary."

"Oh. Okay, shoot."

"Do you guys take walk-ins? Or am I going to have to schedule an appointment? The hospital has been giving me the run-around and took forever to release my mother's body to me since I'm her last of kin, and I finally signed the papers last night. I need to make arrangements for her as soon as possible."

"I'm so sorry for your loss," Sabrina tells you. "And to be truthful, my aunts don't usually take walk-ins, but if you call and explain your situation I'm sure they'll make an exception for today after school."

"Yeah. I'll give them a call." Reaching into your back pocket, you pull free your cell. "Can you program the number?"

Sabrina smiles as she takes the phone, she then programming it. Once finished, she hands it back to you. "There you go. My aunts are usually reading the paper right about now, so you can call before classes start. Once again, I'm really sorry for your loss."

"Thank you." Sabrina takes her leave and you're left staring down at your phone. A minute passes, then two, and you finally tap on the number to dial.

Holding the phone to your ear, you listen as it rings on the other end before someone answers. "Spellman Mortuary. Hilda speaking."

"Hi, Hilda," you say. "My name is Y/N Y/L/N and I was wondering if there was a chance I could be penciled in for a visit today? You see, the thing is my mother passed last week. As I'm her only kin and not exactly an adult just quite yet, the hospital wouldn't release her body to me until last night and I need to make arrangements for her as soon as possible. And I might also be wondering if you guys have any payment arrangements?"

"Oh you poor dear. You come in after school and we'll get you squared away."

You heave a sigh of relief. "Thank you so much Ms. Spellman. Now one last question, do you do pick-ups or should I find away to have my mother's body moved to your place?"

"Don't you worry about a thing, dear. All I need you to do is call the hospital as soon as we hang up and inform them we'll be picking up your mother. We'll take care of her and I'll see you after school."

"Sounds good. Once again, thank you so much."

"So precious," she coos. "I am deeply sorry for your loss. See you soon, dearie."

After hanging up with Hilda Spellman, you quickly make a phone call to the hospital to inform them that someone from Spellman Mortuary would be there sometime during the morning or afternoon to pick up your mother. They take note of it and the phone call ends just as the school's first warning bell rings.

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