Harry Potter [Viktor X Reader] Pt. II

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Imagine being the witch who caught Viktor Krum's eye (Part 2 of 2).
Being so worried for your well-being, Viktor rushes back to Hogwarts as soon as he hears word that the War is over.

The battle is finally over.

Those left standing are either struggling to stay conscious or are up on their feet tending to those who've been badly wounded and/or to the dead. The Weasley's, Harry and Hermione are just a few feet down from you- the lot of them tending to Percy and Fred who'd you manage to save when a wall was tumbling down towards them. Though the three of you were injured, you're all alive and that's all that matters.

Slowly sipping water from a tin cup and on the verge of just resting your head atop the singed table to sleep for weeks, the startling words from one of the Weasley's causes a late reaction in you. "What's Viktor-bloody-Krum doing here?!"

A moment passes and just as the words register in your brain, you jerk into alert-ness.

"Y/N?" The still too heavy Bulgarian accent sets your heart pumping furiously, heat rushing through your veins. Viktor Krum has grown into features very well, his hair grown out and buzzed along the sides, and his facial hair is on point. He looks every bit like a dark wizard, but the warmth and worry in his eyes completely cancels everything else out.


You've only managed to stand on your own two feet before you're enveloped in too tight hug, but you don't say anything seeing as you're squeezing him back with all you've got. He's muttering words in his native tongue in your ear and even though you have no clue as to what he's saying, you know it's nothing bad.

"I'm sorry I stopped writing," you mumble. "Things got.. crazy here. I had to repeat a year of my schooling because of that moronic Headmistress they gave us and then deatheaters attacked and Dumbledore-"

"Shh, skŭpa. It's okay." Viktor finally pulls out of the hug, but he's quick to gently cradle your face in his hands as he takes in the dirt and grime from the war. "You are hurt." His thumb brushes a cut on your cheek and you flinch.

Then wryly grinning, you say, "Just a little banged up." Pressing your face further into his left hand, you let your eyes fall close. "How are maĭka and bashta?"

"Out of everysing that has happened, you ask after my mother and father?"

You shrug. "I like them and they like me. It's the polite thing to do."

Opening your eyes once more, you see Viktor fondly smiling down at you. "Somesing's never change."

"Oi!" Glancing to the side, you see all the Weasley's staring at you with George and his missing ear in the forefront. Hermione and Ginny are huddled together, both of them grinning tiredly at you. "Since when are you and Krum all chummy?"

You huff a small laugh and wrap your arms low around Viktor's waist, leaning into him and resting your head against his chest. "Since Sixth year, you idiot. You and everyone else saw us go to the ball together."

"Yeah, but.. he left! Went back to Durmstrang and everything."

This time it's Viktor's turn to huff as his own arms wrap around your shoulders to keep you against him. "Ve owl. Y/N vent to graduation ceremony at Durmstrang. My family adores her."

"Shame," Charlie Weasley teases. "I think mum had plans to bring Y/N into the family after what she did for Fred and Perce."

"No thanks." Fred deliriously chuckles as he steps forward, George then taking most of his twin's weight and holding him upright. "I rather not get beaten bloody by the Bulgarian Bon Bon."

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