The 100 [Bellamy X Reader]

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Imagine being in a real bad mood when Bellamy suggests to take a walk, getting you distracted.

Suggestion courtesy of libraryoffandomsuniverse who said: Hey I was wondering if you would please consider writing a Bellamy Blake x Reader for this imagine prompt from shadowoods [post/144907447291/why-are-you-doing-this-you-asked-bellamy-and]?

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Standing around a cave as the chosen representatives of Skaikru and Trikru negotiate a peace treaty of some sorts, you can't help but let your annoyance finally show. Lexa and Clarke have a lot of sexual tension between them, but the two women are stubborn as mules and refuse to see eye to eye unless all their clothes are off.

It seems like Clarke and Lexa have been going back and forth for hours already, and not much has been accomplished. Lexa, however, had gone out of her way to warn Clarke of another clan that call themselves Azgeda, a much harsher clan that not even Trikru likes associating with, but Clarke merely mentioned that Skaikru would never travel that far North so they're of no importance to her.

"Are you serious?" You scoff. The occupants of the cave go eerily silent and Octavia perks up in her seat, a smile forming. "Just because we don't go that far North doesn't mean they don't come this far South. Shouldn't we let Lexa tell us as much as she's willing to before writing her and the threat off altogether?"

Clarke shakes her head. "It won't matter if I don't send anyone near the borders."

"You're not listening." You groan and push off the wall, pacing back and forth. "Borders mean nothing to the Grounders. No offense, Commander," you flippantly toss in Lexa's direction. "At least with this Commander she's trying to negotiate something with us, even if you're too damn stubborn to properly listen."

"Y/N," Bellamy warns.

"I mean," you continue on as if he hadn't interrupted, "I get why you were put in charge when it was just us delinquents. But there are others in camp now that are capable of handling situations like this and who won't put their head in the sand when it comes to threats to all of their people."

"Y/N!" You halt in your movements, you gaze landing on Bellamy as he sits on a small boulder. "Take a walk. You need to cool down."



Your mouth clicks shut and you clench your jaw, your gaze narrowing. A moment passes, then two, and you huff as you stomp towards the entrance.

"Way to go, big brother," Octavia drawls. "Drive away the one girl whose always had your back."

"But I didn't mean for her to go without me." Octavia snorts at her brother and his head swivels to follow you as you move passed him. "Y/N, wait."

"Screw you, Blake."


"Not you, Octavia. I'm talking to your idiot brother."

"I like her," you hear Lexa muse as Lincoln chuckles. "Why isn't she at more of these meetings?"

Just as you exit the cave's mouth, pressure wraps around your wrist and lightly pulls you back. "Will you stop?" Bellamy says. "There's no reason for you to be this angry."

You whirl around, yanking your wrist free of his grip. "No reason? No reason!" You whisper-shout as to not drag anyone else into the conversation. "It's our safety, Bellamy. That's all the reason to be pissed off when our precious Princess isn't taking this topic seriously."

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