Harry Potter [Charlie X Reader] Pt. IV

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Imagine marrying Charlie Weasley (Part 4 of 4).

Sam Heughan as Charlie Weasley.

Staring out the top floor window and into the back field that's been transformed into a very mystical wedding venue, you can't help the smile that spreads from ear to ear. Today is the day you become an official Weasley and you couldn't be any more happier to bind your life and magic to that of Charlie's.

The door opens and you whirl around from the window to find Ginny, Hermione and Fleur all walking into the room. Two out of the three expressions morph into shock and the other absolutely beams.

"Tu es magnifique!" Fleur gushes. She eagerly closes the distance between the two of you, she delicately kissing both of your cheeks in greeting.

"Charlie's gonna die when he sees you." Ginny gapes before softly laughing. "You look hot, woman!"

"You do look very beautiful," Hermione agrees once she composes herself. "Is that a muggle creation?"

You glance down at your chosen dress, nodding

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You glance down at your chosen dress, nodding. The dress itself is backless, it's sleeves fitted down to your wrists. The neckline plunges almost dangerously low and the fabric of the top half of the dress is so sheer that strategically placed sparkling embellishments perfectly hide your naughty bits. And the skirt- the skirt starts just a little bit above your hips, the heavy, layered satin falling in a slight flare down to your feet. "Muggle made, but magically altered. Molly and my mom weren't too keen on the sheer fabric, but I ended up getting my way after letting them darken the fabric just a smidgen."

The three women continue to just drink in the image of you in your wedding dress and you eventually blush under the gazes. "Okay, okay. Stop," you nervously laugh. "Is everything all in order?"

"Knock, knock!" The door opens yet again and your father pokes his head in, a hand clamped over his eyes. "I hope everyone's decent!"

All four of you women chuckle. "Yes, dad. All the traumatizing bits are covered."

His hand falls away and his smile falters before completely vanishing. As he steps into the room and shuts the door behind him, he chokes on a sob. "Oh, sweetheart..."

"Dad, no! Don't you start crying," you say, your eyes immediately tearing up as you frantically fan your face. Fleur, Ginny and Hermione are faring no better as they frantically dab a tissue at the corners of their eyes. "If you start crying, I'm going to start bawling and I don't care if my make-up is magically water-proof! Stop that right now!"

Ginny snorts out a laugh, Hermione and Fleur also dissolving into giggles.

Clearing his throat and slapping his cheeks gently, your father finally gets himself under control. "Yes, yes. All right. Just be prepared when your mother sees you as you walk down the aisle. Once she starts crying, your sister-in-laws are going to start crying." He inhales largely and then exhales, he smiling proper once more as you laugh at what's sure to come from your side of the family. As the baby of them all, you know there's going to be plenty of waterworks. "Well, darling, are you ready?" He offers you his arm and as you walk towards him to take his elbow in arm, he turns to the other three. "Ladies, what are you waiting for? Go take your seats. Chop, chop!"

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