The Originals [Klaus X Reader]

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Imagine Klaus promising his witch friend he would protect you, her daughter, and when you show up for him to protect he instantly falls for you.

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As your mother's only child, it was only a matter of time before she went to the extremes to protect her baby girl- the extremes being none other than Klaus Mikaelson himself. When the war between the factions started to somewhat cease, smaller wars started breaking out within the factions- witch against witch, vampire against vampire, and werewolf against werewolf. So when vampires started targeting your mother, she couldn't even trust the witches in New Orleans to have her back and sought protection from one of her friends.

So when Klaus was late to your meet-up, something which the Original wasn't known for, you went looking for him. Lo and behold, Klaus is still at the abattoir. He's being held up by witches and vampires, and you're rather annoyed that you had to leave the safety of your mother's cloaking spell in order to find the Hybrid yourself.

Keeping to the shadows and out of sight from the witches, you briefly watch as they subdue Klaus while the vampires have a go at the hybrid. It eventually gets boring, so you have no problem concentrating on the four witches. "Phasmatos somnus," You mutter beneath your breath. One by one, the witches drop unconscious.

Then when Klaus starts to get the upper hand, the vampires try to flee. Leaning casually against the brick wall, you waggle your fingers with mock cheer before closing your fingers into a fist and twisting your wrist. Neck after neck snap, and all that's left standing are you and Klaus.

"My, my," he smirks. "Aren't you just full of spirit."

You shrug. "I try." He hums and you scoff as you push off the wall. "You know Mom's going to murder you, right? I had to leave the safety of her cloaking spell in order to find you."

His eyebrows briefly pull together as he quickly pieces everything together. "Y/N. You're (enter mother's name)'s daughter.

Bending at the waist in a mock bow, you lift up your head and grin at him. "At your service."

"Charming. What's a little witch like you need protection for?"

Standing up straight once more, you walk further into his home while levitating vampire bodies and tossing them aside, uncaring where or how they land. "Honestly? I have no clue. Mom knows that I know how to lay low and that I'm too old to warrant a babysitter. I only came out because the Original Hybrid was late to a meeting and I had a gut instinct that something was up. And what do you know? I was right."

"You're an arrogant little thing. Did you know that?" Klaus puts on a burst of speed so he's standing right in front of you within the blink of an eye. Instead of being startled, you tilt your head up to look him in the eye and he takes great pleasure in tucking loose strands of your hair behind your ears. "Pretty too. Your mother didn't tell me just how beautiful you are."

"Careful, Mr. Mikaelson. One might think you were flirting."

"And one would be right, little witch."

You can feel your cheeks heating up as Klaus smirks down at you, his thumbs caressing your jawline. Gasping at his touch, you take a step back and narrow your eyes on him. Then turning your back on him, you exhale loudly. "Dammit. Mom would get me a hot bodyguard."

"Mommy dearest only has herself to blame should sparks fly between us. And believe me, love, they're flying."

Snorting, you turn back around and cross your arms over your chest. "You've had over a thousand years to live. Surely you got better pick-up lines in your repertoire."

"I've got all that and more. Now what do you say we get out of here? The riff-raff are starting to wake up."

Glancing at the vampires coming to, you roll your eyes and flick your wrist. The snapping of necks resonate around the room once more. "Lets go. Maybe if I'm lucky enough we can actually get out of New Orleans for a while and you can show me how to truly live."

"You only need to ask, sweetheart, and I'll gladly show you the world."

As Klaus offers you his elbow, you happily link up with him and step over the unconscious bodies of the witches. Then when you exit the abattoir, you take a moment to place a boundary spell around the whole building so no one gets in or out. And after placing a call to your mother to tell her what's happened, you also inform her that Klaus will be taking you out of the city. She only has a few choice words about how happy you sound about travelling with Klaus, but after reminding her it was her own fault for introducing the two of you she really has no room to talk.

"How do you feel about Greek food?" Klaus asks after you've hung up with your mother.

"Uhh.. good? Why do you ask?"

"Because I own a very beautiful villa in Greece with around the clock security and what better place to lay low than in Greece?"

Snapping your attention on him, you scoff. "You're joking!?"

"Not at all. So what do you say, little witch? Want to travel the world with me?"

"Greece, a villa, food, and a hot guy? Uhh, yeah!"

Klaus' smirk returns. "Excellent."

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