THOHH [Luke X Reader]

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Imagine being there for Luke when things get rough.

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Being abruptly woken up is something you absolutely loathe, except for when it's an emergency. So when you realize it's your cellphone ringing that's brought you into the land of wakefulness, it's like all your grogginess instantly vanishes.

The number calling isn't one programmed into your phone, but the area code is local so you answer without hesitance. "H-Hello?"

"Y/N? I-It's Luke. I need y-your help."

Holding the phone to your ear between your head and shoulder, you kick off your blankets and scramble out of bed. "Where are you? I'll come get you." Knowing full well that Luke should be in rehab and the number he's calling from is not the facility he was last at, you know something is terribly wrong. You hurry to your closet and pull on pants, then shoving your feet into a pair of random sneakers.

"I-I messed up. My f-friend left and I- I tried to help, but she.. I'm so sorry."

"You don't have to explain yourself to me, babe. Just tell me where you are."

"I'm so- I'm so cold. M-my arms and legs.. they're stiff." His chattering teeth and stuttering voice absolutely breaks your heart. His voice is thick with emotion that has your own throat tightening in response. "It-It-It's like withdrawal," Oh crap, "but I- I didn't use. I wa- I wasn't using, but I- but I feel it anyway. You- you believe me, right?"

"Luke? Luke, listen to me. I need to know where you are so I can come get you."

"Please tell me you be-believe me, Y/N."

You pause by your apartment door, heart pounding and your soul aching for your friend. "I believe you, Luke. Ever since I found you again after all the years we missed together, you never once lied to me. Now where are you?"

Luke prattles off the address to some street corner and what the buildings near him look like, and you quickly grab your keys off the hook by your front door. As you're racing down the stairs, forgoing the elevator completely, the call disconnects. You frantically make it to your building garage and after getting into your car you speed off to where you have an idea Luke's at.

Throwing your car into park near the sidewalk, you leave the engine running and pop the trunk. Climbing out, you grab a blanket before jogging towards your friend who's huddled on a bench. Right away you notice he has no shoes and when he glances up, you gasp at the abrasions on his face.


"I-I'm so cold," he stammers.

The plain tee and thin warm-ups do nothing to prevent the cold from chilling him down to his bones, but his face is sweaty so you have no idea what's going on. Still you wrap the blanket around his shoulders before sitting next to him on the bench and pull him down so his head is in your lap. "It's okay. I'm here now." You smooth your hand over his forehead, fighting back tears as you lean over him to kiss his forehead. "Sshh. I'm here now."

A set of headlights wash over you and you hunch protectively over Luke. Two people get out of the car, but only one approaches. "Luke?"

"H-Hey, Steve. You remember Y/N?"

Luke's older brother stares at you in surprise and you weakly smile at Steven- the eldest of the Crain brothers. "Hey, Steve. Long time no see."


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