TVD [Enzo X Reader] Pt. I

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Imagine Enzo always being there to listen to anything you have to say, whenever you need him (Part 1 of 2).

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Sitting at a park bench and staring up at the clock tower in town square, you can't help but contemplate life. Your left knee bounces rather rapidly for no apparent reason and you find yourself feeling rather downhearted.

"Well hello, Gorgeous." Glancing to your right, you see Enzo sauntering up. You smile and stand to briefly hug him, the both of you then sitting back on the bench as you shove your hands back into the pockets of your jacket. "Penny for your thoughts?"

"I'm not sure a vampire such as yourself is equipped for my lowly human problems, Handsome."

"I do love the pet name, darling." Enzo smirks and you chuckle. "But what are you doing out here all alone? Shouldn't you be with the scooby gang?"

You shrug. "I'm having a bit of an existential crisis."

"Really?" He drawls.

"Yeah." Heaving a sigh, you ask, "Do you really want to hear this? Or am I keeping you from scouring for dinner?"

"For you, Y/N, I've got all the time in the world."

"You really are trouble, Enzo St. John. I don't know how the ladies handle all that," you say while gesturing to his entire being. He merely laughs in return and settles in for the impending conversation. "So a while back, when we were at war with the Mikaelsons, I got trapped in a room with Caroline and Klaus. Skipping passed all the threats and violence, I ended up having a unique heart to heart with the Original Big Bad."

Enzo's right eyebrow quirks. "Truly?"

"Yep. We talked about my human status in a group of supernaturals. In a moment of weakness, I confessed how unhappy I was with my friends at the time." You pause to take a deep breath and then let it out in one harsh exhale. "Them being supernatural didn't bother me, but what did was how easily they could push aside people- pushed around Bonnie- when they needed their needs met. They didn't care who got hurt and in the long run, it was always me, Bonnie, Jeremy, or Matt."

"And what did the scary Original have to say about that?"

"He told me if I couldn't keep up, then maybe I needed an upgrade. He offered to turn me that night."

"You obviously refused."

"Barely," you quietly admit. "But that was a long time ago, so.."

Enzo shifts in his seat, turning towards you and you turn to face him. "So what brought this on tonight of all nights?"

Rolling your eyes, you glance back up the clock tower that's about to read 8:24P in just a few seconds. "I'm about to turn twenty right.. about.. now."

And without missing a beat, Enzo says, "Happy birthday, love."

You huff a brief laugh. "Thank you. But anyway, I got a package this morning from none other than Klaus Mikaelson himself. Apparently our heart-to-heart stuck with him after all these years."

"Oh? And what did the most dangerous man on Earth get you?" Pulling out one of your hands from your jacket pocket's warmth, you open your fist to show him what's sitting in the palm of your hand. "Is that a vial of blood?"

"Yep. Original blood. In a note, Klaus told me that should I ever change my mind he'd be proud to sire me even if he's not present for it." Enzo remains quiet and you quickly put the vial back in your pocket as you seek out his gaze. "Am I stupid for wanting this? For wanting to leave my meek human existence behind in favor of near immortality?"

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