Harry Potter [Theo X Sibling!Reader]

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After a traumatizing event, imagine finding out that not only are you not as alone as you thought in this world.. but that you have a brother and actually come from quite a bit of money. Oh! And magic exists.

Sitting across from his family's long-time Wizarding attorney, Theodore Nott sits in complete shock as he stares at the picture of an unconscious female laying in a hospital bed. "So what you're saying is, is that this woman is my sister? My older sister?"

"Yes," the elderly wizard reluctantly admits, adjusting the round spectacles perched on his nose.

Theo frowns. "Why am I only hearing about this now?"

Clearing his throat, the attorney says, "It's come to light that your father put a bind on the girl's life essence before dropping her off in a muggle orphanage. Since he and your mother had not yet wed when she was born, and he needed to get rid of the babe as soon possible less the knowledge of her birth get leaked, Lord Nott bound the girl in case she should she develop a magical signature later on in life. He did not wish for the bastard girl to be traced back to him."

Theo's face completely drains of blood. "That's barbaric! For one to be denied their birthright is-"

"Yes, well.. your father is known to do whatever it takes to protect the family name." The attorney shifts uncomfortably in his seat as Theo stews in the information. "Though the bind appeared to do it's job for as long as it did, there was a loophole in such magic being done that your father failed to take into account." Theo's gaze immediately zeroes in on him, narrowing suspiciously. "When a witch or wizard has no control over their magic, one experiences boughts of accidental magic as you know happens a lot before purchasing a wand. In your sister's case, since she was bound, her magical core lashed out when it realized it's host was in danger."

Eyes widening, Theo scoots to the edge of his seat. "In danger? Is that why- is that why this photo was taken while she was in a hospital bed?" His eyes then fall to the folder he still has gripped in hand, the photo of his.. sister attached to the top.

Taking a steady breath, his family's attorney picks up three tabloids he had hidden beneath another folder. Theo then watches with a furrowed brow as three muggle tabloids are tossed on the desk in front of him, one right after the other. Each tabloid has a headline, accompanied with disturbing pictures, that speak of a terrible massacre which took place in a muggle park days ago. Numerous men, women and children were slaughtered without any remorse.

Theo gulps. "Was she- is she okay?"

"Y/N Y/L/N was hit twice by what the muggles call bullets. They don't look like much, but when fired from a muggle gun they can be deadly if they hit the right spot. Your sister, Mister Nott, was hit in the gut and her thigh. The bullet nicked a very important artery and she nearly bled to death, but her magic broke the bind on it's host and vanished her to the nearest hospital."

Eyes closing, Theo slumps in his seat. "Does Father know you've found her?"


"Keep it that way." Gripping the folder in hand which holds all the information the Aurors gathered on his apparent sister, Theo then stands. "You know all the paperwork I've been putting off? Everything that's been transferred to me since my father became ill in Azkaban?" The attorney clears his throat, nodding. "Have them filled out and set to my home. I think it's time I address my family's affairs and bring my sister to her proper home."

Suddenly looking years younger and like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders, the attorney sits up straighter while yanking open a drawer in his desk and pulling out a sheet of parchment. "No offense to your father, Mister Nott, but I've had this one document sitting as close as possible to me should this day ever come." Theo's anger and confusion vanishes at the old wizard's words. Placing the parchment close to Theo's side of the desk, the attorney explains, "This is the one document that transfers the Lordship over to you. Should you, ahem, wish to legitimize any bastards in the family.. you only need to file the paperwork instead of needing your father's permission to do so."

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