Harry Potter [Draco X Reader]

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Author's Note: Voldemort never returned to wreak havoc on our favorite characters.

Imagine Malfoy being lonely on Halloween since you had graduated from Hogwarts.

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Hogwarts was a bit set in their ways about what holidays they celebrated and which ones they did not. Halloween, for example, was not celebrated as it should have been even though a lot of students had made inquiries about it. The most the Headmaster did was add more floating candles and pumpkins, as well as have the school elves bake up some Halloween treats.

But after putting some pressure on the professors and gathering enough alumni students to help chaperone, Halloween at Hogwarts was about to be one for the books. While those students who still followed old tradition were allowed to give their blessings outside under the careful eye of a Professor or two, the other students were to dress up in whatever silly or student appropriate costumes they had and enjoy a dance in the Great Hall after supper.

Having been informed a couple months prior to Halloween night, a majority of the students are eagerly bouncing in their seats as dinner winds down. You, however, as alumni are standing just outside the Great Hall doors and peeking in to await when dinner is officially over. Then glancing towards the Slytherin table you see him- the him in question being Draco Malfoy.

Though you were a year older, and a Gryffindor of all things, you didn't let petty House rivalries keep you from making friends outside the red and gold. Any and all Slytherins had been a bit tough to befriend, but you eventually wormed your way into the lives of a select few. Over the years, much to the surprise of everyone except his parents, you and Draco became quite close. But then graduation came and went, and while Draco still had one more year at Hogwarts, you had to become an adult nearly over night.

So while you were busy looking for a job and a place to live, you might have neglected Draco a little more than you had ever before. And while the two of you weren't in a romantic relationship, your friendship wasn't exactly platonic either.

Dinner is finally proclaimed over and while many students scramble out of their seats, Slytherin take their time. Many Gryffindors are happy to see you and you greet them back while also encouraging them to go get dressed for the upcoming dance. Then glancing back at the table, you grin at Draco and his morose expression. His elbow is resting atop the table and his chin is resting in his hand. He looks rather bored and not a bit excited for the Halloween dance, and then he looks rather annoyed as Pansy Parkinson pushes her way into the small spot between him and Blaise.


As you walk towards the Slytherin table and then turn to head down the aisle so you'd end up at Draco's back, you wink at every other Slytherin who takes notice of your presence and then stare immediately at Draco who's being pawed at by the one girl who never took no for an answer.

"..but Drakey-"

You wrinkle your nose at Pansy's cooing voice. "Honestly, Parkinson, no means no." Draco's gaze immediately darts to you and his chin leaves the palm of his hand as he sits up straight in surprise. Pansy sneers at your interruption. "I'm gone for a couple of months and you think Draco will be dumb enough to slip his dexterous fingers down your knickers? Get over yourself, Parkinson. You're not that much of a catch."

"Y/N! Blimey it's good to see you." Before Draco can stand from his seat, you find yourself wrapped up in the arms of Theo Nott. Several Slytherin snicker as you have to peer around him since he's so tall and you fondly roll your eyes at Draco who's now grinning. "The girls have gone absolutely barmy now that you're gone. Poor Drake can barely find any time alone. He's really missed you."

"Buck up, Nott. It won't be long until you're all out and joining me in the real world. Enjoy the barmy girls now because it'll be sad and lonely when you leave here." Squirming out of Theo's hold, you fondly pinch Blaise's cheek who swats at you and then wink at both Greengrass girls who are all too amused at Pansy stewing in anger.

Finally finding her voice, Pansy begrudgingly asks, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to make sure Draco has fun tonight, of course." You smirk at her glowering expression and then turn your attention to Draco as you lower yourself into the spot next to him that had been vacated as you walked up. "I even got us matching outfits for tonight, babe. We're going to have so much fun."

"But you're alumni! It's inappropriate to escort a student to a school function."

"Oh stuff it, Pansy," Millicent Bulstrode grumbles as she passes by. "Draco has been Y/N's for years. You've just been too jealous to accept it."

Numerous Slytherin's explode into laughter as Pansy's shriek of, "I'm not jealous!", and laugh even harder as she flees after Millicent to most likely berate the poor girl in the privacy of their dorms.

"So," Draco drawls as he places an arm around your shoulders and drags you closer to his side, "matching outfits?"

"Don't get your wand in a knot, Malfoy," you grin up at him. "Your mum helped me picked out a muggle suit that you're going to look absolutely dashing in and a masquerade mask."

"Merlin I missed you, witch." Draco presses a kiss to your temple, his lips then moving near your ear. "Hogwarts just isn't the same without you."

"Of course it isn't."

Leaning back, he then asks, "And what will you be wearing?"

"A dress and mask as well."

Blaise groans. "Please tell me this dress has a slit?"


Blaise grunts and holds the arm Daphne had punched at Draco's exclamation. "What? She's got lovely legs."

Astoria giggles and you shrug. "Well he's not wrong." Draco huffs and you gently elbow him, placing your hand on his knee below the table and squeezing once. "Not only does my dress have a slit, but it's got two! Mrs. Malfoy nearly disapproved until I reminded her that I was no longer a student. Then she got a really devilish smile and piled on a bunch of accessories. It was almost terrifying."

"Almost?" Draco chuckles.

"Yes. Because the dress is slinky with high-riding slits and with a neckline nearly down to my navel and your mother approved it! Your mother, who might I remind you, is very conservative when it comes to dressing young witches."

Blaise snorts. "It's obvious, isn't it? Narcissa is trying to get her son laid."

The table falls silent as Blaise's words sink in and then as every stare is directed towards you and Draco, you can feel your face heating up. Sighing in resignation, you lean into Draco and rest your head on his shoulder. "Your mother is going to be a nightmare." Astoria and Daphne start to giggle, Blaise and Theo following with their deep rumbling laughter. "I hate you all."

"You'll get over it come morning." Draco moves to stand and tugs you up with him. Then without letting go of your hand, something which you encourage by sliding your fingers between his, he leads you out of the Great Hall. "Hurry and get dressed so we can take some pictures for mother. I'm sure she'll want to see her darling witch in whatever risqué costume she chose for you."

"Yes, well, fair warning," you chuckle. "Be sure to keep your eyes on my eyes. The last thing we need is our gits for friends snappin' a pic of you staring at my chest and sending that one to your mum."

"If mother were to receive a picture of me staring at your chest, I'm sure I'd go home after graduation to her planning our wedding."

You scoff. "I doubt you'd have to wait that long. I'm pretty sure your mother has been plotting since you introduced us."

"Well they do say that your mother is always right."

Rolling your eyes, you throw your elbow into Draco's side before unclasping your hands since you were about to head in different directions anyway. "Draco Malfoy, you are not going to let your mother do all the hard work for you. Now go get dressed, while I do the same, and ask me out properly. Maybe then I'll actually let you get a peek at what color my knickers are since you and the boys were always placing bets on them." Draco's jaw drops open and you smirk at him. "Tick tock, Malfoy. The sooner you get dressed and ask me, the sooner the real fun can start."

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