TWD [Daryl X Reader]

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ᴄʜᴇʀʀʏ ʙᴏᴍʙsʜᴇʟʟ (babyserpent) said: I just wanted some fluffy Negan/Daryl whichever is easier. Maybe they show a side of themselves to reader no one else gets to see? That kind of thing :)

After Negan's demise, the communities banded together and weeded out all the bad individuals. Everyone was tired of fighting a war that was unnecessary and finally decided to turn their attention on the fight that really mattered- the fight against the dead who tried to eat them upon notice.

The communities worked on building up and securing their safe-zones once more before a trading system was put into place. As long as your community had something to offer other communities, the trade-off was fair for everyone involved. People were also encouraged to relocate should they want to and numerous people found a place to fit in elsewhere from where they originally started.

Which is how you and one of your friends found yourselves in Alexandria. The work ethic and the familial vibe was more comfortable for you, and you quickly found yourself completely taken with a certain group.

Daryl Dixon was a bad ass rough-neck and your sights were immediately set on him the first time he cracked a smirk in your direction.

Sitting on the porch steps outside the house you share with a friend, you watch Daryl as he maintains his crossbow from where he's seated two steps below you

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Sitting on the porch steps outside the house you share with a friend, you watch Daryl as he maintains his crossbow from where he's seated two steps below you. The two of you usually spend your days as is, he making sure his preferred weapons are in working order while you sit behind him reading a book or working on a crossword puzzle. Today, however, you're merely sitting quietly and letting your nails scraps against the nape of his neck.

"Hey, Y/N! Incoming!"

Daryl leans to the side on instinct and you throw up your hands to catch a poorly wrapped package. Snorting at it and then glancing up at Tara who had thrown it, you quirk an eyebrow at her. "What's this?"

Daryl scoots over so he can turn and see what you're seeing without looking over his shoulder, and Tara shrugs. "Dani said to give it to you. A team went out this morning for a long journey and she didn't want to miss your birthday."

Smiling at the thoughtfulness of your friend, you then weigh the package in hand. The weight of it feels familiar, as does the shape of it, but you still eagerly rip apart the paper. Inside is a hardcover, and in mint condition, book of Grimm's Complete Fairytales.

"Grimm's Fairytales?" Daryl huffs. "Ain't the world grim enough without havin' to read old horror stories?"

"Shush." You whack him lightly on the shoulder. "I love books. Always have," you tell him while fondly stroking the book in your lap. "Before the world went to shit, the spare bedroom in my apartment was turned into my own personal library. Every now and then I'll whine about the loss of all my books to Dani. I guess this is her attempt to help me build it back up."

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