TVD [Enzo X Reader] Pt. II

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Author's Note: Everyone lived. And there was never any problem with the Hollow or super drama with Marcel that led the Mikaelson's in a magical slumber until Hayley woke them. That's all unnecessary BS and Hope deserved to be raised by her family.  

Imagine travelling the world with Enzo as a vampire. When you're back in the States, you decide to pay a visit to the Original Hybrid who supplied you with the blood you used to turn yourself with. Oh and you meet his family too (Part 2 of 2).

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It's been nearly seven years since you and Enzo have set foot in the States.

The first two years were spent making sure you had absolute control, and then the rest were spent hitting every popular destination and every party you'd heard about. There were some places that you opted to spend a few months in rather just a week or two, and while you thought Enzo would tire of the whole relationship that bloomed between you while you were settled down in one place, he'd proved you wrong and happily stuck it out. And Bonnie, of course, got the post cards she had demanded when she saw you off, plus a few jewelry pieces you found along the way that you thought she'd love.

Caroline had been the first to realize you were missing, then Matt. From there it snowballed to everyone else and after making sure you were definitely okay, most of them berated you for leaving with Enzo and without saying a word. Caroline was also the one to keep you informed of the going-ons in Mystic Falls and boy were you were surprised by a lot of things.

You and Enzo sent the appropriate cards and appropriate gifts for every occasion you missed, and continued to live your lives as you saw fit. But the urge to return to the States hit hard one evening, and Enzo agreed it was a good time to return for a bit before your next great adventure. But before then, you wanted to take a small detour down to New Orleans.

Walking hand in hand under the night sky in the French Quarter, you and Enzo happily soak in the lively atmosphere of the locals and tourists

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Walking hand in hand under the night sky in the French Quarter, you and Enzo happily soak in the lively atmosphere of the locals and tourists. It's easy to spot the humans from the non-humans and it's a relief to see the non-humans keeping order.

"You sure this is a good idea, love?"

"Mhm. If you had asked me a couple years ago, then it'd be a totally different answer." Enzo hums and you nudge his side with a small laugh. "Relax. I made some contacts on our travels and made some phone calls before we came down. New Orleans has been at peace for a little over two years now and since we're not here to start trouble, we're fine."

"Just give me some bourbon and I'll leave you to it."

"Always with the bourbon. Sometimes I'm surprised you haven't left me for a bottle of that stuff."

"Fat chance, sweetheart. You're stuck with me."

Looking to the side, you glance up just in time to see Enzo smirk down at you. Rousseau's is just up ahead and you know Enzo is anxious to get a drink in his hand. But before you can reach your destination, there's a rather impeccably dressed individual heading in your direction as he carries on a conversation with a pretty brunette at his side.

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