Teen Wolf [Brett X Reader] Pt. II

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Imagine finding out Brett is a werewolf when he saves you from a chimera. Oh and you're his anchor too! (Part 2 of 2).

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Hanging out with Brett is.. amazing. He's less hyper than the teen boys you're used to, but he still has that boyish charm to him that makes you excited for what's to come. Every one of your friends is excited to see you with Brett whenever you run into them, with the exception of Liam who eventually comes around, and you have no problem transitioning from merely walking side-by-side to walking side-by-side with your hands clasped together.

But then Scott and Stiles start acting weird around Brett, and Liam gets downright hostile. It takes you and Mason to snap Liam out of his funk, and then out of the blue one day.. it's like Liam is a completely different person and being all buddy-buddy with Brett.

Everything turns out fine.. until it isn't.

Beacon Hills has always been a weird little town, but lately it's been.. more weird. And your friends have been in the middle of it, wisely keeping you out of whatever it is they're doing. There were days when you wanted to know what exactly was going on, but then there were also days when you saw Stiles being so secretive that the moment you saw him you immediately turned right back around and went in a different direction.

But now that you're running away from something with glowing blue eyes and a freakin' tail, you're wondering if you should have pushed to be in-the-know.

Your clothes are soaked through, there's no way in hell your phone is in working condition, and the pouring rain is constantly getting in your eyes as you run for your life. You literally have no idea how you went from checking the pressure on your tire after pulling into the high school parking lot, to running from a roaring monster intent on sticking it's claws in you.

Rounding a corner, you're glancing over your shoulder when you really should be looking forward to where the danger is truly at. The moment you look forward once again though, a fist catches you in the jaw and the power behind the hit sends you sailing in the air. When you land, you roll into a puddle and wind up on your back.

The half transformed human/monster stomps towards you, his mouth full of sharp teeth opening wide in a snarl. You scramble backwards on your hands and feet, gasping and choking on the cries that attempt to come out but won't because you're too terrified of what's in front of you.

The.. thing moves faster than you can imagine and grabs you by the ankle. With a forceful yank, he pulls you across the wet concrete and you scream in terror as he leans over you and lets loose a heart stopping roar.

A figure comes flying from the right, tackling the monster off of you. Then another figure crouches next to you and you flinch when you see Scott.. and red glowing eyes. "S-Scott?" You whimper.

"Hey, Y/N. It's okay. You're going to be fine." There are noises of a fight and you cringe at every roar and snarl. "I'm really sorry we didn't tell you sooner. We thought it was better you didn't know yet."

"S-Scott," you whine. "Your eyes."

"I know. I know and I'm sorry. But Brett-"

"Brett?! What does Brett have to do with this?" The sound of fighting has ceased and when Scott glances over at the once fighting beings, you follow his gaze. This time you flinch when you find an almost human looking Brett and his glowing yellow eyes. "Oh Brett," you mumble.

Crouched near you, Brett finally looks in your direction. The rain water drips off the tip of his nose and the tips of his matted hair strands. His jaw flexes as he holds your gaze and then as his eyes flutter shut and open, the glowing yellow is gone. "Y/N."

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