Harry Potter [Gen Fic X Reader]

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Imagine befriending the Durmstrang students when they visit for the Triwizard Tournament.

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With the Hufflepuffs suddenly becoming little party animals after Cedric was named Hogwarts first champion, the common room was no place to study or do homework. Sure there were a couple of hours after classes had ended for the day that everyone was calm and studious, but after the sun set all bets were off and the once mellow House were abuzz with excitement.

Tonight was one of those nights, so after gathering your messenger bag filled with everything you'd need, you head off to the library. Only in the library, the tables are either filled with other students who are catching up on their own work or gaggles of teenage witches who giggle and bat their eyelashes at one table in particular- the Durmstrang table.

And speaking of the Durmstrang table, it's the only table with three boys doing their work and that has space for maybe another student or two. So gathering your courage, you head towards the table holding three surly looking boys who are concentrating a little too intensely on their books.

"Excuse me," you politely interrupt them. When all three glance up, you smile nervously. "I was just wondering if it'd be okay for me to sit with you three?" You only recognize Viktor Krum, so the other two flanking him on their side of the table are rather intimidating as they stare at you. As one, all three glance at the other tables in the library and you sigh in resignation. Keeping your voice low, you say, "They're either full already or filled with giggling girls as they make eyes at Krum. I just want to get my work done and not have to listen to what they would do to Krum should they get him alone."

Viktor's face seems to tint pink as his two friends fight off grins. The most famous of the three eventually clears his throat and gestures to a seat across from them. "I am Viktor," he says. "This is Tolga," he says while gesturing to his right, "and this is Mikael," he says while gesturing to his left.

"Y/N," you return. "And thank you for letting me sit." As you take a seat, the boys seem to pull in their own books to give you some room. You spread out your own text books, parchment, ink well and quill, and get to work without bothering them.

The four of you seem to work quite well and they find it quite amusing when you sigh as the giggling gets louder, even more so amusing when you glare away the braver fan girls as they attempt to get closer. Eventually the Durmstrang students grow tired of the noise and start packing up. You barely acknowledge them as they stand since you're so engrossed in your work that it takes the clearing of a throat to gain your attention.

Looking up, Viktor stands tall and proud. "Thank you for studying vith us and not being fan." The lingering giggles make him cringe and you flash him a genuine smile.

"Don't get me wrong, I am a fan." His expression falters, but you're quick to assure him you won't turn into a fan girl anytime soon. "But we're in school. In here you're a student just like everyone else. I'll save the whooping and hollering for the field when I see you play, Quidditch Star." His cheeks seem to pink again and his friends snicker behind his back.

Tolga, Viktor's friend who can give him a run for his galleons in the height department, leans forward. "You can sit vith us anytime."

You grin. "Likewise. Until next time, gentlemen."

Before they take their leave, they each bow and then turn on their heel to march out of the library. You watch them go with a grin and then when they're out of sight you get back to finishing up your own essay.

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