Divergent [Eric X Reader] Pt. II

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Imagine going through the initiation process for Dauntless. It's not all fun and games, but you manage to overcome whatever obstacles are thrown your way once you put your mind to it (Part 2 of 2).

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Sitting off to the side of the gym, you take the time stretching your legs and loosening up your muscles. Dauntless initiation is no joke and everyone was quick to realize that it was better to stretch before the leaders got their hands on you because you'd be hurting otherwise. But just before you're all set to start jogging around the gym to really get your blood pumping, Eric, Four, and Christina enter the room.

"Initiates! Fall in line," Eric barks. There's a scramble of initiates, you included, to form a line in front of those in charge and your hands immediately clasp behind your back as your feet settle shoulder width apart. "We're going to be training a little differently today. Get some rest, have a meal, and then be ready by sundown."

"Sir?" A brave initiate calls out as the leaders attempt to take their leave. "What exactly are we doing after sundown?"

Christina whirls back around, grinning. Eric tenses and glances over his shoulder, jaw twitching in annoyance, so Four takes the lead less Eric rips into the poor guy. "It's a secret. All you need to know is what Eric told you. Be ready by sundown."

As the leaders then take their leave, you and all the other initiates seem to exhale simultaneously. Chatter immediately picks up as to what it is the leaders have planned, but you head off for some relaxation. It's still morning so there are several hours before you have to be ready, but you have a feeling whatever's planned isn't going to be as relaxing as some initiates seem to be thinking.

You take your lunch a little later than usual, and every hour for about fifteen minutes you head to the gym to keep yourself loosened up. Eric, who seems to live in the gym when not doing other things around the compound, watches to see what you're doing the first time he catches you in there. He stares as you stretch and then raises an eyebrow in question when you take your leave.

"What?" You had grinned over your shoulder. "Gotta keep loose for tonight."

"What's tonight?"

"You tell me, Sir. We're still in the initiation process and yet training was canceled for some mysterious reason? No," you chuckled softly. "I think whatever you have planned for tonight is going to be some form of training and I plan to be somewhat prepared so I don't go down with a painful charley horse."

Eric suddenly smiled and your breath hitched as you came to a full stop. Don't swoon, don't swoon, don't swoon. "Look at you, little Erudite, using your brain. At least someone is."

"I'm taking that as a compliment."

"Wasn't really meant to be one."

"So says you." You sheepishly chuckled and then continued to take your leave. "See you tonight, Sir."

- X -

Standing in a train car full of initiates, you can't help but feel smug about your earlier gut feeling being right. The moment you had jumped into the moving train and regained your balance, guns had been handed out as if they were candy.

"Alright, everybody. Listen up!" Four shouts. "Tonight we'll be playing Capture the Flag-"

"But with a little twist," Christina smirks, her own voice raised to be heard over the train as she holds up her own gun.

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