Chapter One

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I've been broken hearted before, but never like this. Never have I ever felt this lost and broken. When I did I always had him there by my side. Now he's gone and I feel like the person I was went with him.

"Georgette, I'm not going to let you sulk in your room all summer," Stone says from the other side of my locked bedroom door.

We graduated last weekend and Joey left for L.A. the same night. Him and Stone no longer talk, which definitely took some getting use to. After the big blowout they had, I'm not surprised.

I unlock my door and open it to see Stone Keller and his famous grin. The grin that has been keeping me sane these past few months.

"C'mon Mopey, we got shit to do," he says.

"Stone I don't feel like going out," I tell him.

"You never do," he retorts.

I sigh and cross my arms. "I'm sure you can understand why," I say.

He rolls his eyes. "Of course I do, but we're all going out to karaoke tonight. You're coming, even if I have to drag you out of this room kicking and screaming."

I huff. "Well since I know you're not joking about that, I guess I'll get dressed."

"Excellent. I'll be downstairs with everybody else," he says walking away towards the stairs.

I shut my door with a sigh and walk over to my closet. I grab a pair of jeans and a shirt, and throw it on. I don't feel like doing my makeup or much with my hair, so I just leave it.

I walk downstairs to see everyone in my living room. A very pregnant Wendy is cuddling up to Colton, and everyone else is laughing and joking around.

"Hey you look good," Wendy says with a smile.

"You really do," Tommy says.

"We haven't heard from him," Andy blurts. There's a collective groan and Wendy glares at him.

"Were you dropped on your head as a baby, or were you just born that stupid?" She snaps.

"Wen, you're hormones are scary," Carmen says laughing.

"Sorry," Andy says.

"It's fine," I lie.

"I'm glad you're coming Gia," Eileen says.

"Yeah it'll be fun," I say with a small smile.

Everyone heads out to the van, but Colt stops me in the doorway. "You ain't fooling anybody little sister," he says.

"You know as well as I do Stone is not going to let me sit around and mope," I joke with a wry chuckle.

"If at any point it gets too much I will take you home okay," he says.

"Thanks Colt," I tell him.

"I got your back Georgia. We all do," he says.

"I know y'all do. I appreciate it more than you know," I tell him. "You know he always use to tell me I was resilient. I just never thought I'd have to be when it came to him."

"I know," Colt says hugging me. "At least he was right about that. You are resilient Georgia."

"We should get out there before Stone comes back and starts bitching," I say with a small laugh.

Colt laughs. "You're right."

We pull into a parking space outside the quaint little sports bar. Stone parks the van and everyone starts to file out. I sigh once I'm out of the van and look at the place. Stone wraps his arm around my shoulders as we watch everyone else walk inside.

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