Chapter Twenty One

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Georgie's Point of View

I wake up to the sun coming through the crack in my curtains. "Morning Georgette," I hear Stone say from my desk chair. I look over at him.

"Hey," I mutter. My throat is sore, and my eyes still feel swollen from last night.

"You look like hell," he says.

"Ever the gentleman," I say, rolling my eyes. He just laughs.

"You gonna stay in bed all day?" He asks.

I look at him. "A wise man once told me, he wasn't going to let me mope all summer," I tell him.

"Well you're damn right about that," he says.

"I leave in three weeks," I blurt out.

"I know," he says.

"You know?" I ask.

"I snooped," he says holding up my planner. In three weeks, I leave for Duke University. I was lucky they accepted me at the last minute. After deferring UF, and then changing my mind about community college, it was Stone who got me to apply to Duke.

"I'm also the one that got you to apply, remember," he says, with a small smile.

I chuckle. "Yeah, I remember."

"So, is the back and forth with you and JJ giving you whiplash too?" He jokes.

I groan. "I'm not in the mood for jokes right now," I inform him.

"I know, I'm sorry. Low blow," he says giving me a sad smile. "If it makes you feel any better, I don't think even JJ knows why he was a colossal dick."

"It's doesn't," I deadpan.

He sighs. "Okay Miss Sunshine, I'll go shopping with you today. We both need the distraction," he says.

I sit up in my bed, and look at Stone. "Do you really think they're up to no good?" I ask.

He presses his lips into a thin line, looks at my window, down at his feet, and then back at me. "Unfortunately, I do," he says, letting out a big sigh.

"Y'all should really let the police handle it," I say and get out of bed.

"I know," he says, standing up. "But, JJ won't listen to a word I have to say."

I sigh. "He's a very stubborn individual," I say as I go through the clothes in my closet. I pick out a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, and I set them on my bed. "Meet me downstairs," I tell Stone.

He gets up and walks out of my room, going to the living room downstairs. I undress from my pajamas and get dressed quickly. I put my glasses on, grab my purse, and head downstairs. I'm excited to get the stuff for my dorm, and I've been texting my roommate, Ellie, to get to know her. She seems pretty cool.

"Ready to go Georgette?" Stone asks as I walk into the living room.

"Let's roll Stoney Malone," I say with a small laugh.

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