Chapter Twenty Three

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Georgie's Point of View

It's been a week since I've left, and classes officially start on Monday. Orientation week has been really fun. My roommate, Ellie, convinced me to join the Theatre Club with her and her boyfriend, and I've met a lot of really nice people.

"I'm so glad you're a double major," Ellie tells me.

"Really now?" I ask with a laugh.

"Yeah, it's nice to be able to do theatre with a friend," she says. I decided to double major in theatre and creative writing. "Do you want to be a playwright some day?" She asks.

"That or a best-selling author," I tell her.

"That's awesome," she tells me.

"Thanks," I say. "You and Finn really are a power couple, you know that."

She smiles. "Wow thanks." Ellie wants to be an actress on Broadway and Finn wants to be a director. They make a very dynamic duo. "What about your situation?" She asks.

I've told her a little about my messed up situation, and she's been very understanding. "I'm not over Joey, but I also love Stone and I want to be with him one day. One day, just isn't today," I tell her.

"Well, I am totally Team Stone," she says. "And I'm going to help you get over Joey."

I look at her with a raised eyebrow. "How so?" I ask.

"There's a mixer tonight for all drama majors, and we're gonna go," she says.

"A party?" I ask. Is a party really going to help me get over Joey?

"Yes, and you're not going to think about Joey or Stone tonight. You're gonna let loose and have fun," she tells me.

"If you really think it'll help," I say with a laugh.

"I do," she says with a triumphant smile. "Be ready by eight. I'm meeting Finn for dinner, and then we'll pick you up on our way back."

"Okay, you two kids don't have too much fun now," I tease.

She laughs and rolls her eyes. "No promises," she says with a wink, leaving our room.

I look at the pictures on my photo board, above my desk. One is of me and the girls at homecoming. Beside it, is a picture of me, my mom, and Colt. A picture of all of us from Battle of the Bands, and more memories are spread out in front of me.

One of me and Stone at the hospital, the night El was born, stands out. We're both still in those yellow, hazmat suit looking things, and our smiles go from ear to ear, as we stand on either side of the incubator. I smile at the memory. Beside it, is a picture of me and Joey from the beginning of senior year, when I was still with Jesse.

I groan. How did I let everything get so messed up? Why did Joey have to go and fuck up? Why did Stone fall for me? It's all so confusing, it makes me sick to my stomach. On one hand, I wish Joey had never messed up and that we weren't so toxic in a relationship together. On the other, I'm glad he did because it gave me the opportunity to grow closer to Stone.

Now I'm in love with both of those idiots, and I can't seem to figure my shit out. I don't want to be hung up on Joey because he hurt me. He hurt me a lot, and the wounds he left are deep, but I also can't let go of all the good times yet. He was my best friend for years. He was there for me through some of the worst times of my life. Yet, he ended up hurting me. I know alcohol played a big part of it, in the beginning, but I really thought we'd end up together. Now, I see that we weren't meant to be together in that way. No matter how hard we tried to make it work, it never did, and never will.

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