Chapter Twenty Six

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Stone's Point of View

Walking around a campus, I know nothing about, at night has not been one of my best ideas. I sigh in frustration as I look at the campus map, so I can go back to Georgette's dorm. I was an ass, and I should go apologize.

"Hey man," I hear Eli say. I turn and look at him, as he walks up beside me.

"Hey dude," I say.

"Lost?" He asks.

"Very," I respond.

"Let me give you some advice," he says. "You want to be with her, it has to be on her terms. She loves you, and I can tell you love her. All good things come in time. Especially, with love."

"Thanks for the unsolicited advice," I say. I appreciate it honestly, and he's right, but I just want to get back to her dorm. I just want to make things up to her.

"You said you were lost man," he says with a knowing smirk.

"Can you show me how to get back to her dorm?" I ask.

"Yeah," he says. "Follow me." He heads off, and I speed walk to keep up with him.

"Shit man you walk fast," I say, out of breath, as I catch up to him.

He laughs. "My bad," he says.

"So, how'd you know we were having a disagreement?" I ask.

He smirks. "I have a sixth sense about these things," he says.

"You know, you're kind of a weirdo. In a good way though," I tell him.

He laughs. "Thanks," he responds, and smiles at me. "This is her dorm." We're stopped in front of a door, and he lets me in.

"I appreciate your help, and the advice," I tell him.

"No problem man," he says and walks away.

I walk up to her dorm room door, and knock. I look down at my feet, waiting for her to open the door. My heart is beating a million times a minute. I hope I didn't mess things up. She opens the door, and I look up from the floor.

"Georgia I-," I begin to say, but I'm cut off by her crashing her lips to mine. I'm taken aback at first, but then I deepen the kiss. I put my hands on her hips, and she wraps her arms around my neck. I back her into the room, and slam her door behind me. All the while, our lips never leave each other.

I pull her closer to me, and wrap my arms around her waist. She runs her hands through my hair, but pulls away. "I'm sorry," she says.

"Me too," I tell her, breathlessly.

"You're right," she responds.

"I'm what?" I ask confused. I honestly thought she'd be pissed at me. I was being an asshole.

"You're right. I want to be with you, so I should. I need to stop letting other people affect my happiness," she tells me.

I smile. "So, what are you saying?" I ask.

She smiles back. "Stone Keller, will you go out with me?" She asks.

"I was beginning to think you'd never fucking ask," I say with a smile, kissing her again. I pull away and bite my lip. I decide to give the voice in my head, that's been screaming at me since she kissed me, a chance to speak it's piece.

"Are you one hundred percent sure you're ready for this?" I ask her. I don't want to get my heart broken again, but I want to be with her more than anything. I've wanted to be with her for months now.

"I am," she says.

"There's no doubts? No chance you'll get back together with Joey?" I ask. I need reassurance on this.

"There's nothing between me and Joey anymore, but friendship, barely," she says with a small chuckle. "And, I've never doubted my feelings for you."

"You haven't?" I asked. She chose Joey over me before, I need to be assured that she won't this time.

"No never," she responds. "At the time, my feelings for him were stronger, but now I realize you're the one I want to be with. It's been building, since the first time I kissed you honestly. Deep down, I've always wanted you."

I'm surprised by her confession. I thought the first time we ever kissed was only because she was upset about Joey. "I remember you said you wished you had met me first," I recall.

She gives me a small smile. "And you told me that you wished I meant that, and I said I did too. Well, I lied, to both of us. Because I did mean it Stone. I knew deep down I meant it, and I'm so sorry I lied. Most of all, I'm sorry it took me so damn long to realize it. You deserve so much better than me, but I love you with all of my heart. And after all these crazy confessions, and everything else that's happened, I hope you still want me because you're the one for me Stone. I was just too stupid to realize that before, but not now. My heart realized it before my stupid, stubborn brain, but you've always been the one for me."

I hold back the tears that I feel forming. She's finally said everything I've been longing to hear her say for so long. I crash my lips to her's, and she stumbles back into the ladder to her bed, but that doesn't break our kiss.

My hands move down from her face, all the way down her beautiful body, to her hips. She runs her fingers through my hair again, and bites my bottom lip. She takes the opportunity to gently run her tongue against mine, and I return the favor. Taking our passionate kiss, to a passionate make out session. Like something from one of those cheesy fucking romance movies.

But, I don't care. I've never wanted anything more. I run my hands underneath her shirt, feeling her smooth skin against my calloused hands. I pull her shirt up all the way over her head and toss it to the other side of the room. I look down at her, as she looks up at me. We're both breathing heavily, but neither of us looks away.

She slides her hands underneath my shirt and I move forward, so we're pressed against one another ever so slightly. "Are you sure?" I ask. She takes my shirt off in one quick motion, giving me my answer.

I don't fucking care, if this ends up going down in flames and burning me alive. I love this girl, and right now, she's all I give a damn about.

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