Chapter Five

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I wake up from my dream in a cold sweat. The clock on the bed side table reads 7:30 A.M. If I could have just one night of dreamless sleep that would be fantastic. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. I jump a little when I see that it's reddish brown instead of blonde. I'm still not use to that.

"You okay?" Stone asks groggily.

"Yeah just a dream," I reply.

He sighs and puts his arm around me as I lay back down. "It's okay Georgette. You're okay," he says.

That's the thing. I'm not okay. I'm sad all the time and I can't seem to shake it, no matter what I do. The memories always seem to catch up to me and it kills me.

"You're okay right?" He asks a little worried.

"I'm just sad," I say quietly.

"I know," he says quietly.

"I need a distraction," I say.

"Have you told anyone you're not going to UF anymore?" He asks.

"No," I respond. I'm trying to think of what would be a good way to keep my self occupied besides my classes at the local college. I just felt like moving all the way to UF just wasn't the best thing for me right now.

"You wanna go get some Denny's?" Stone asks me.

"Yeah that sounds great," I say getting out of bed.

Stone throws on a shirt and a pair of sleeping pants, and then grabs his keys. We walk out to his van and then head off for Denny's.

"I know I say this all the time, but thank you for everything," I say.

"I've told ya Georgette, I'll always be the guy you need me to be. Nothing more, nothing less," he says.

"I know, and I know it must be hard for you," I say.

"You don't need to worry about that okay," he says with a laugh.

We pull into the Denny's parking lot and Stone parks the van. We order our food and when the waitress brings it out, we dig in.

"I still can't believe you eat steak for breakfast," he laughs.

"Bacon and eggs are overrated," I tell him. "So y'all told him no about the songs, right?"

"Of course we did Georgette," Stone replies. "He's an idiot for thinking we would in the first place."

"What was your song?" I ask.

He smiles sheepishly. "It's not that great," he says.

"Come one just tell me what it's called," I plead.

"Until She's Ready," he says.

"Sounds nice," I say. I have a thousand more questions, but I decide to leave it.

We pay the bill and walk back to the van, climbing in. "Thanks for a great breakfast, but I'm ready to get some sleep," he says with a smile.

"Yeah I think we got about a good two hours before Wendy will want us up to deal with her family," I say with a small laugh.

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