Chapter Three

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I wake up to Stone's arm around me and I laugh. "Hey cuddlebug," I say shaking him. His eyes flutter open.

"If the times isn't at least in the double digits, I'm not getting up," he groans.

"It's ten in the morning," I reply.

"Do I have to get up?" He asks.

"Well not really," I say. "They're not suppose to get here till like five."

"Wanna just stay in bed till then?" He asks. He already know what my answer will be.

"That sounds perfect," I say snuggling back into the blankets.

"You wanna watch IT?" Stone asks.

"You know it," I reply. He gets up and puts the movie on and then lays back down underneath the blankets.

"What are you two still doing in bed?" Wendy asks busting in like the damn F.B.I.

We give her incredulous looks, but say nothing. When Wendy gets like this it's best to just be a deer in the headlights.

"We have so much work to get done before my family gets here," she says panicked.

"Barbie, your house is so clean we could eat if the floors," Stone complains.

"Maybe," Wendy snaps. "But that's still not good enough for my parents, and it definitely won't be good enough for Bonnie."

"Wendy," I say sitting up. "They're going to judge you no matter what, so don't stress yourself to death over this."

She sighs and sits at the foot of the bed. "You're right." She chuckles.

"It's bad for my little niece Ellie in there anyway," I say and nudge her arm.

"Yeah being seven months pregnant is no cake walk," she says with a sigh.

"I can imagine," Stone says. "It's like you got a watermelon strapped to your front side."

Wendy rolls her eyes and glares at him. "Thanks," she deadpans.

"Wendy, honey," Colt calls from the living room.

Wendy sighs. "He sounds anxious, come with?" She asks me hopefully.

"Okay," I say with a small chuckle. We walk out in the living room to see a very tall blonde woman standing across from Colt. Her arms are crossed and the look on her face is icy enough to freeze hell over.

"Bonnie," Wendy says.

"Hi Winnie," she says with a smile. It's sickly sweet and kind of scary.

"Who's your friend?" She asks looking me up and down. Probably judging everything about me.

"Bonnie this is Georgia, Colt's sister," Wendy says.

"Hey Barbie what the hell?" Stone calls from down the hall. "You took my movie buddy," he says stopping in his tracks when he sees Bonnie. He's shirtless, still has bed head, and only in his boxers. Wendy will kill him.

Bonnie gives him a once over and then scoffs. "Really Wen, you really did turn into a hobilly," she says with a laugh.

"Who the hell are you?" Stone snaps. "This is Barbie's house and you won't talk to her like that with me around you hoity-toity bitch," he says.

She looks at him shocked. Colt is trying his best to stifle his laughter, and Wendy gives him a small smile. I'm just stunned. Who knew Stone Keller would be the one defending Wendy?

"You're gonna let him talk to me like that?" Bonnie asks Wendy.

"Yes BonBon I am," Wendy says with a smile.

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