Chapter Eighteen

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Joey's Point of View

I pull Georgie by her hand through the back door, and close it quietly. I don't want this moment ruined. The moment I've been dreaming about for months. I turn around and crash my lips to hers. I place my hands on either side of her face, as we kiss. Really kiss. Slow and passionate. The kinds of kisses that could bring tears to your eyes. And for me, it does.

I slide my hands down her body, and rest them on her hips. I pull her closer to me, as I simultaneously back her against the sliding glass door.

"Joey," she moans. It comes out as a whisper, and it's what I've been longing to hear for months now.

I start to kiss her down her jawline. I get to a spot on her neck, and suck on it gently. Kissing the same spot when I'm done. I would go further, a lot further, but we get interrupted.

"So, are you two just going to have sex on my back poor door, or?" Wendy asks from behind. I can hear that she has a smirk on her face, before I even turn around.

"Sorry Wen," Georgie mutters. Her face is beet red. I give Wendy an apologetic smile.

"This reminds me of the first you two got together and basically almost had sex on my car," she jokes.

"We weren't going to have sex on your car Wendy, but now that you mention it," I joke back. She swats my arm.

"Ouch violent," I say to her.

"You better be glad that's the only thing I've done to you, since you got here," she says. It comes off as a joke, but I know she's serious. If it was up to Wendy, she would have castrated me the moment she saw me.

"Okay you two," Georgie says with a laugh. She pushes me off of her a little bit, and I instantly wish she hadn't. I take her hand in mine to make up for the void.

"So, you two are back together?" Tommy asks walking up behind Wendy.

"Yeah," Georgie says.

"What about Stone?" Tommy asks.

"I told him, and he left," Georgie says sadly.

"I mean what did you expect?" Tommy asks. "You probably just broke his heart into a million pieces."

Georgie's expression shows that she's hurt by Tommy's harshness, but she doesn't say anything. So, I do. "Hey, there's no need to be a dick. I'm sure she already feels about hurting him," I say.

Tommy glares at me. "We're cool and everything now JJ, but she should not be with you," he says. He looks at Georgie. "You shouldn't be with him Georgia. He hurt you. So bad. You cried for months, we watched you suffer for months, and you're just going to forgive him. And in the process, hurt the person who was there for you every step of the way. Stone sat up with you every night. Comforted you, loved you. You finally give him a chance, and then just yank it from him because you're getting back with the person who broke you. What did you expect?"

"Tommy," Wendy scolds.

I look at Georgie, and the look on her face shatters my heart. She says nothing. She opens the back door and leaves.

"Dude way to be a fucking dick," I snap at him.

"What's going on here?" Carmen asks walking up to us.

"Your boyfriend made Georgie fucking cry," I say. I'm fuming.

"Tommy," she says.

"Carmen they're back together," he says.

"It's none of your business," she tells him.

"What if it was you two?" I ask him.

"I would never do that Carmen because I actually love her," Tommy spits. Venom laces every word.

"Mi amor," Carmen says trying to calm Tommy down.

"Okay everyone needs to calm down, right now," Wendy says.

I take a deep breath. Tommy looks at me. "I'm sorry. Not about what I said, but how I said it," he says.

"Look man, I get it. But, we both know that. And Georgia, especially doesn't need you to remind her. She feels bad enough as it is," I tell him.

"You owe her an apology Thomas," Carmen says to him, and walks away. I can tell she's upset with him, and the look on Tommy's face tells me I'm right.

"Well she's pissed at me," Tommy says.

"What did you expect?" Wendy says sarcastically, mocking Tommy. Tommy sighs.

"Let's go find her," I say to Tommy.

"Yeah, I owe her an apology," he says.

"You should probably tell Carmen. Maybe, she'll talk to you again," I tease.

He glares at me. "Shut up," he says, annoyed by my comment.

I just laugh as we walk out of the back door. I look around for Georgie, but I don't see her anywhere. "She doesn't have her car, where could she have gone?" I question out loud.

"Over here," I hear her sniffle. I look over and see her sitting in a little hiding spot around the corner of the house.

I can't help it, but I laugh. "Will you get out of the bushes," I say and help her up.

She glances at Tommy quickly, but then looks away. "I'm sorry G," he says.

"No, you were right," she says pitifully.

Tommy sighs. "Whether I was right or not, it didn't give me the right to be a dick to you, and I'm sorry," he tells her.

"I forgive you," she says. "I really didn't mean to hurt him."

"I know," Tommy says hugging her. He pulls away and she looks at him.

"Part of me wanted it to be him," she confesses. I feel like I've been punched in the chest, but I'm not surprised. Of course she wanted it to be the guy who didn't break her. The guy who was there to help her pick up the pieces, and put herself back together.

I'm happy that it's me, but honestly part of me hoped she would fall for Stone too. The one who hadn't and would never break her like I did. I hated watching them together, but I also loved to see her smile, and he seems to always be able to do that. In fact, I don't even think there's been a time he's made her feel the way I made her feel.

She looks at me. "I'm sorry Joey," she says.

I shake my head. "Don't apologize for being honest," I tell her. "I know he's the better man for you Georgia. He's never and would never hurt you the way that I have, but you have no idea how over the moon I am that you're giving me the chance to make up for it. To show you how much I love you, and how much I need you."

Her and Tommy look at me. They're both speechless I can tell. "I promise to never leave you again Georgia Collins," I assure her.

She says nothing, she just wraps her arms around me, and holds me tight. I squeeze her back tightly, and kiss the top of her head.

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