Chapter Four

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"I need to talk to my old band mates," he says.

"Hi," the brunette on his arms says with a smile. "Jenna Kay Wiley."

"Georgia Collins," I say. "And they're inside."

We walk inside and everyone looks at me stunned. Wendy glares at Joey and Jenna Kay. "What the hell are you two doing in my house?" She snaps.

"Chill Wendy," Joey says. Oh he really should know better. "I just need to talk to my old band."

"Well you picked the worst time, and how did you know where we live?" Wendy says. "I want you out," she snaps.

"Who's the loser?" Bonnie asks. Joey glares at her.

"I'm Joey Carter and this my girlfriend Jenna Kay Wiley. We're pretty famous singers, you mighta heard a song or two of our's on the radio," he says.

"Oh honey, I don't listen to trashy music," Bonnie says. I never thought I would like Bonnie Summers, but boy I could hug her right now.

Joey and the guys go outside to talk as I stand in the living room trying to catch my breath. "The nerve," Wendy says.

"I can't believe he just showed up here," Carmen says.

"I could punch him," Colt says.

"I think I just need to go lay down," I say.

"Let me guess, he's your ex," Bonnie says.

"Ex-fiancé actually," I respond.

"Yeah he broke up with her because they were going to be too busy for each other and it wasn't fair to her, even though he knew about this the whole time," Wendy starts to rant.

"Wendy honey," Colt says taking her into a calming embrace.

She takes a deep breath. "Sorry I just think the whole situation is a bunch of BS," she replies.

"It is," Bonnie says. "Boys are stupid. The faster you learn that, the less it hurts when they disappoint you."

"Well someone's bitter," Wendy mumbles.

"Men know how to treat a woman," Bonnie says. "Boys don't know how to treat a woman, but men do. There are a lot of boys who promise to be different, but they're not. They turn out to be the same and they end up breaking your heart, and all the promises they made. A man will tell you he loves you, and he will prove it everyday. No games, and no uncertainties."

"Wow Bonnie that's actually super nice and insightful," Wendy says shocked.

Bonnie sighs. "I know a thing or two about heartbreak," she says. "I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy."

"Thank you," I say softly.

"Don't mention it. I'll be in my room," she says and walks to the sun room.

The guys walks back in and they don't look too happy. "What did he want?" Colt asks harshly.

"He had the nerve to ask us for the rights to one of our songs," Andy says heatedly.

"Yeah the bastard actually thinks I'd give him the rights to a song I wrote," Stone says putting emphasis on the I.

"He's a moron," Tommy says.

"You write songs?" Eileen asks Stone shocked.

"We all do, we're musicians," Stone replies.

"Yeah Tommy wrote me a song once," Carmen says.

"Yeah he wanted the rights to that one too," Tommy says with an eye roll.

"How could he have possibly thought this was a a good idea?" Carmen asks.

I walk away and let them hash it out. I lay in my bed and take a deep breath. Seeing him brought it all back. The memories, the feelings, the hurt. All of it. All the stuff I had been working so hard to bury deep inside myself was now bubbling back at the surface.

He doesn't even care how I feel. Like everything that happened between us just didn't mean anything to him. He didn't love me as much as he led me to believe he did, and that's what kills me. He had so many opportunities to tell me he had doubts, and he kept it from me. Yet, I was the one with the communication problem.

"Hey," Stone says walking in and sitting beside me in the bed.

"Hey," I say softly.

"You wanna talk about it?" He asks.

"Not tonight," I say.

"Okay," he says. "We can talk about it tomorrow. Do you wanna finish watching IT?"

"That would be good," I respond.

He gives me a small smile and continues the movie from earlier. He goes into the bathroom and changes into his pajamas, then crawls into bed next to me.

"He's a jerk," Stone says.

"I shouldn't have been so overly attached," I say remembering a conversation we had after everything went down.

"You were his fiancée. Were you suppose to not be attached? Of course you wanted to spend more time with him. He was leaving. You two argued about it all the time and it never really changed. He wanted you to need him, and when you started to he just left you. You don't do that to someone you love," he says.

"We both made mistakes," I simply reply.

"Georgia, I know you two were friends for a while before you got together and I know he did a lot for you, and you respected him and trusted him, but what he did was seriously fucked up," Stone says.

"It is what it is Stone. I can't change the fact I wasn't enough for him. That I constantly disappointed him. I just wasn't good enough. Simply as that," I say.

"That's bullshit," he says. "You did everything you could for him, and he threw that all away, like he didn't even appreciate it."

I sigh. "Even if you're right, it doesn't change anything. He's fine and I'm not. That's just how life works sometimes," I say.

He doesn't say anything else. He just holds my hand underneath the blanket as we watch the movie. Everyone is telling me that he's a bad guy, but he's not. We just didn't work and it's because he didn't want us too. No matter what I did, or how hard I tried, it wasn't going to work because I was the only one who wanted it to.

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