Chapter Twelve

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Me and Colt pull into the parking lot of the hospital and he parks the truck. "My girls are coming home," he says excitedly, as we get out of the truck.

We walk up to Wendy's room and see that she's holding Ellie on the bed. "Hey guys," she says with a smile.

"Hey beautiful," Colt says kissing her on top of her head. "Hi baby girl," he says to Ellie.

I help Colt get all of the bags together, as we all make our way back to the truck. Colt puts Ellie in her car seat and we all pile back into the truck. "When do you go back to Bradley's?" Wendy asks me.

"Later this afternoon," I tell her.

"That gives me and Joey plenty of bonding time," she says sarcastically.

"Winnie, be nice now," Colt says.

She sighs. "I'll do my best."

I laugh and look over at my niece. She's so perfect. She has beautiful green eyes like Wendy and I can already tell she's going to have beautiful blonde hair. Everything about her is just so precious, and I'm already so in love with her.

"When is your first rodeo?" Wendy asks.

"I'm three weeks," I reply.

"Are you going to be ready by then?" Colt asks me.

"Yeah, Bradley and AJ have already said I'm a natural at both events," I tell him.

"I don't know, I think it's a little too soon," he says.

"Colton James, she is a grown woman. Leave her be," Wendy says making me laugh.

"She's also my little sister Wendy Elizabeth," He retorts.

"She's also in the same car and would like to be included in the conversation," I pipe up.

Colt sighs and Wendy just gives him a smirk. "I swear you girls are gonna give me gray hair," he says with a chuckle.

"You'll get use to it daddy," Wendy says with a wink.

I physically cringe and gag. "No please stop," I say. Wendy just laughs. "I'll never be able to erase that from my memory."

We pull into the driveway of their house and are met by everyone standing outside in front of a banner that says "Welcome Home Wendy and Ellie".

I help Colt with the bags, while Wendy gets Ellie out of her car seat. "Hi baby," my mom says giving me a hug.

"Hi mama," I say and hug her back.

Everyone is fawning over Ellie, while Joey just hangs in the back. I look over at Wendy and motion to Joey. She sighs.

"Hey Joey, wanna come meet her?" She asks him.

He gives her a nervous smile. "Of course," he says and walks over to see Ellie. I smile at Wendy and she gives me a small smile.

"You're a miracle worker Georgette," Stone says standing next to me.

I give him a smile. "I just want everyone to be happy," I say.

"So, are you still up for our date?" He asks nervously.

"Yeah, what would make you think differently silly?" I ask.

"With Joey being back in the group again, I just didn't if you would still want to," he says.

"Stone," I say.

"Let's make a promise though," he says.

"No matter what, we stay friends. Whether we date, or we don't. And I'm just saying, even if you end up getting back together with Joey. Or even if you date some else completely, we stay friends Georgette," he says.

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