Chapter Fifteen

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I wake up to the sound of Joey and Stone playing video games across the hall, in Colt's old room. It was my first night back in my own bed and it was wonderful. I haven't spent much time in my own room lately, and I've honestly missed it so much.

I get out from underneath the covers, and get out of the bed. I stand up as I begin to stretch. I walk across the hall to see the boys playing Call of Duty.

"Hey sleeping beauty," Stone says.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"One in the afternoon ," Joey responds.

"I have to be at Bradley's by three," I inform them.

"Do you want one of us to drive you?" Joey asks.

"Nah, I'll drive myself," I say, sitting down in Colt's desk chair.

"What you actually want to drive yourself? What universe is this?" Joey jokes.

I laugh and push his head forward. "Shut up dork," I say.

"What time will you be done?" Stone asks.

"Uh I'll be back around 5," I tell him.

"Alrighty Georgette, you should probably go get ready loser," he says.

"Yeah, whatever loser," I respond as I get out of the chair.

I walk back across the hall and into my bathroom, and begin to get ready for training. AJ texted me earlier saying Tesla was still under the weather, so we're just going to be doing barrels today.

After I shower, I brush my teeth and throw my hair up, then I slip into some clothes. I check the time on my phone and it reads: 2:25. I rush out of my bathroom grabbing my keys and purse.

"See you later, don't burn down my house," I yell to the guys as I rush down the stairs, and out the door to my car. I hop in, and begin the thirty minute drive to Bradley's ranch.

The ride to the ranch is a long one, but a nice one. I stop at a stop sign and continue on my way, when out of nowhere I'm t-boned by another car that ran their stop sign.

My car spins around a couple of times, and then flips over. My airbags deploy and it smacks me right in the face. I'm start to get groggy and things begin to fade out. I know I need to stay awake, but I can't. My eyes shut, just as I start to hear the sirens.

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