Chapter Fourteen

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I pull into the driveway of Wendy's and park my car. The only cars here now are Colt's, Joey's, and Stone's. Everyone else must have left after the coming home party. I sigh and run my hands through my hair. I finally get out of my car and head inside.

"Hey little sister," Colt says.

"Hey," I say to him.

"You here to talk to Stone and Joey?" Wendy asks from the couch, while she holds a sleeping Ellie.

"Yeah," I respond.

"Do you know what you're going to do?" She asks.

"Not a clue," I tell her honestly.

"Remember, you don't have to date anyone if you don't want to," Colt says.

"I know I don't, but there is something there that needs to be addressed," I tell him.

"You'll figure it out. I believe in you," he says.

"Thanks," I say and walk back towards the guest bedroom me and Stone have been sharing. I knock on the door, and Stone answers it.

"Hey," he says quietly.

"We need to talk," I tell him.

"I know," he says and let's me in. Joey is sitting at the desk chair, and when he sees me he gives me a small smile.

"Hey Georgie," he says.

"We all need to talk," I say.

He sighs. "Yeah we do," he says.

"Okay, I'll start," Stone says. "I'm sorry for being an idiot and fighting with you Joey. I don't know what came over me."

"The same thing that came over me," Joey says. "Jealousy."

"If this is going to ruin us all being friends again then I don't want to do it," I say.

"It won't," Joey says. "I'm not going to lie to either of you, I want you back Georgia. More than anything in this world, but I also understand that you have to do what is going to make you happy. And if dating Stone is what's going to make you happy, then that's what I want for you. Both of you."

"There's definitely something there that needs to be addressed," I say honestly.

"Then address it. I'll be fine. I promise," Joey says.

"Are you sure about this Joey?" Stone asks.

"I owe it to you man," Joey replies.

I sigh. "Okay then. As long as we all agree to stay friends, no matter what happens," I say.

"I lost you twice already Georgia, I'm not losing you again in any capacity," Joey says.

"You already know I'm in it for the long-haul Georgette," Stone says with his famous grin.

"Alright, it's settled then," I say.

"I'm gonna go make myself a sandwich," Joey says getting up from the desk chair. He walks out of the room, and I look over at a smiling Stone.

"So, does this mean our date is back on?" He asks.

I smile. "Yeah goofball," I say.

That infamous Stone Keller grin plastered on his face goes from ear to ear. "Is it too much to ask if I can kiss you?" He asks.

"Oh so you're asking now," I tease. He blushes and pushes the hair behind my ear, looking down at me.

"You don't know how long I've waited for this. I never thought it would actually happen," he says quietly. He leans down and plants a soft kiss on my lips. "It's better than I ever dreamed. No matter what happens."

I smile up at him. "No matter what happens," I say.

"Whether we end up together or stay just friends, you are one of my best friends in the entire world. You make me want to be a better person. I know it's difficult because there's something between us, but there's also something unresolved with Joey. So, no matter what you choose to do, I support you a hundred percent," he says.

"Stone, me and Joey are," I begin to say, but he cuts me off.

"Georgette, you may lie to everyone else and hell you may even lie to yourself, but you can't lie to me," he tells me. "I just want you to know, I stand by you in whatever decision you make."

"Thank you," I whisper.

"Of course," he says with a smile and then kisses the top of my head. "You should go talk to Joey."

I nod my head and walk out of the room, I find Joey sitting outside on the back patio. "Hey dork," I say walking outside and sitting in the chair next to him.

"Hey Georgie," he says smiling at me.

"Um I had a talk with Stone," I tell him.

"Yeah," he says.

"He informed, and I can't believe I'm about to say these words, but he's right," I joke.

"Right about what Georgie?" He asks.

"There's something between me and him that needs to be addressed, but there's also something between us still," I tell him.

"I already told you, you do what you need to do to figure things out. If I'm the guy you wanna be with in the end, and I hope I am, then fantastic, but if I'm not I understand," he says.

"Why did you do it?" I ask.

"This isn't an excuse at all, but I'm a different person when I'm drinking. I'm going back to A.A. After that morning, the way you looked at me, made me realize how stupid I was. In short, I was weak and an idiot," he says.

"Am I the reason you started drinking again?" I ask.

"No, not at all. I'm the reason I started drinking again," he says. "And I can't, and I won't do that to myself or you guys again."

I sigh. "I don't know what's gonna happen," I tell him honestly.

"Me either, all I know is, I want you in my life," he says.

"What about your career?" I ask. "You're a famous rockstar now." I give him a small laugh.

He chuckles. "Well like you said I'm a famous rockstar now, and I made a deal with my record company, I can record in Miami at their start-up studio, instead of the main in L.A," he informs me.

"But L.A. was always your dream. Your ninth grade confession was about moving to L.A. and becoming a famous rockstar," I tell him.

"It was the dream, and then I got there, and I realized it wasn't what I wanted and damn sure wasn't what I needed. L.A. wasn't a good place for me Georgia," he says honestly.

"What happened out there?" I ask. "I mean you only have to tell me if you want."

He laughs. "Lots of drinking, drugs, and nights I can't remember," he tells me.

"I'm sorry," I tell him.

He laughs. "You're not allowed to apologize me because you didn't do anything wrong okay," he says.

"I'm still sorry you had to go through that," I tell him.

"It's okay," he says.

"It really do be like that sometimes," I say. He starts laughing and I laugh along with him.

"It really do," he replies.

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