Chapter Twenty Four

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Stone's Point of View

Georgie's been gone a little over a month now, and I miss her like crazy. I've texted her everyday, but it's only to check in. I also want to try to give her space and time to get over her heartbreak. I've been playing a lot of bars, and such to keep myself distracted, so I don't call her twenty times a day.

I run my hand through my hair, and put my guitar back in it's case. "You sounded amazing," Imogen, a waitress I've befriended, tells me.

"Thanks Gen," I tell her.

"So how's the girl?" She asks.

"She's liking university. Her friends up there even got her to do the musical they're preparing. She's writing for it, and performing in it," I tell her. Proud of all that Georgie is accomplishing.

"She sounds like a catch," Gen tells me.

"She is," I say.

"Well I've gotta get home, school work and all," she says with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I keep forgetting you go to the community college," I say with a laugh.

"You do have a lot going on, so I won't hold it against you," she teases.

"Thanks," I reply.

"Later gator," she says and leaves the restaurant.

I sigh, and throw my guitar case over my shoulder. I walk out of Mason's, and head towards my car.

"Stone!" I hear Imogen call. I turn to see her rushing over to me.

"Everything okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, I just wanted to tell you something," she says.

"What's that?" I ask.

"Go see her," she says. "You don't sing songs about heartbreak that well, unless you're hurting."

I give her a smile and nod. "You're right. I am hurting, but I think she needs space right now," I say.

"Space shmace," Imogen replies. "Go get the girl dummy."

"You really think I should go see her?" I ask.

She rolls her eyes. "No, I only said that to fuck with you," she replies sarcastically, and slaps my arm.

"Ow!" I exclaim.

"Of course I think you should go see her," she says. "And pronto." She turns and walks back towards her car.

I laugh. "Goodnight Imogen!" I call.

She turns back and gives me a wave. "Night!" She calls back.

I climb into my van, and head over to Wendy's and Colt's house. I've officially moved in with them, to get away from my dead beat criminal father. I pull into the driveway, and walk inside.

"Hey asshat," Wendy says as I walk in.

"Hey demon spawn," I fire back. "What are you doing awake? It's one in the morning."

She sighs and laughs. "I just got Ellie back to sleep, so don't wake her or I'll castrate you." She gives me an award winning smile.

I laugh. "Noted Barbie," I say. "I'm going to see Georgette for the weekend," I blurt.

She raises an eyebrow. "You are?" She asks.

"Yeah, I'm gonna head out tomorrow and stay the weekend. It's a surprise okay, so don't go running your big mouth," I tease.

She rolls her eyes. "Your secret is safe with me," she assures me.

I smile. "Thanks Wen," I say.

She smiles back. "She'll be happy to see you, ya know," she tells me.

"You think?" I ask nervously.

"Yeah," she says like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "She may not be over Joey yet, but she loves you."

"I just wish things could be more simple," I say.

"You're talking to a teenage mother here," she says. "I don't know shit about simple."

I give her an appreciative smile. "You know Barbie, you're nice to talk to. When you're not being a bitch," I tease her.

"Right back at you dickwad," she says with a smile, and leaves to go to her bedroom.

I go to my room, and begin to get my things ready for my trip tomorrow. The memories of me and Georgie staying in this room together run through my mind. The nights we laid in bed, staying up way too late, laughing about the stupid jokes we'd make. Watching movies together. The nights I would whisper my feelings to her, while she slept. Too scared to say them when she could hear me.

I finish packing, and get in bed. I turn out the lights and lay there. I look up at the ceiling. I'm never one to get cold, but staying in here without her makes me feel like I'm freezing. I pull the covers around me tighter, to try to keep warm. The sounds of her soft snoring are playing on loop in my head, making me wish I was hearing them for real.

I've never felt this way about anyone in my entire life. I've never been the type to fall in love, to only want to be with one girl. I was always the type to date around. But, not when it comes to Georgette. She makes me want to be a better person, not only for her, but for me too. She's like the puzzle piece that was missing from my life, that I didn't even realize I was searching for.

I always thought I'd be happy not settling down, being tied to one girl, but she showed me I was wrong. She showed me that I do want a relationship, I want commitment, and I want it with her. Unfortunately, she met JJ first.

I sigh, and roll over towards the wall. The empty space in the bed next to me, growing bigger by the second. I miss her laying next to me, and how she would be as close to me as she could, even when she was asleep. She always got so cold when she was sleeping. And according to her, I'm a human heater.

I close my eyes, and do my best to fall asleep, but the longing of wanting her with me keeps me awake. I've waited so long for her, to be with her, to love her, and tomorrow I finally get to see her after this month apart. I hope she stills wants there to be an us someday. I hope she hasn't changed her mind.

Me telling myself that my fears aren't real is what finally makes me fall asleep, where I'm able to dream about her.

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