Chapter Seventeen

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Georgie's Point of View
I wake up and look at the white ceiling. I'm confused about where I am. "Georgie," I hear someone say. I look over and see Stone.

"Stone," I manage to croak out. My throat is so dry. I need a glass of water.

"Yeah, it's me," he says. He takes my hand in his and squeezes it gently.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You were in a car accident," he tells me.

"Are you fucking serious? Another one?" I say.

Stone laughs. "Yeah Georgette, another one. At least this one isn't a metaphor for the disaster that was your relationship," he tells me quoting something I said to him right after me and Joey broke up.

"Wow, that's really cringey," I say disappointed in myself.

"Georgie," Joey says excitedly as he walks in. "You're awake!"

I laugh. "Yeah," I say with a smile. Joey takes my other hand in his.

I look at both of them. Both of them have been there for me through some of the toughest times in my life. One of them caused one, but yet I can't stay mad at him. Suddenly, my choice is so clear. I have a decision to make, a decision that's going to hurt one of the most important people in my life.

I smile at them, as everyone else starts walking into my rooms. All smiles. "You boys are always saving me," I say.

Everyone tells me how excited they are they I'm awake, and the doctors tell me that I'm being discharged tomorrow.

"So," Wendy says rocking Ellie in the chair beside my bed, "have you made a decision?"

"Wendy, I'm literally in the hospital," I say.

"Oh c'mon Gia, I know you. I know that's what you've been thinking about," she says.

"I have," I say.

"Been thinking about it, or made a decision?" She asks.

"Both," I reply.

"Well, tell me," she says.

"I don't think you're going to like the answer," I tell her.

She looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "Go on," she says.

"It's Joey," I say.

"I knew it," she says with a smile.

"What?" I ask.

"There would be no way you would forgive him for leaving, if you didn't still love him," she says. "I know you love Stone, but you've always loved Joey."

"This is going to break Stone's heart," I say.

"Stone's a big boy, it's gonna hurt like hell, but one day he'll be fine," Wendy says.

"I just, I hate that we kind of started something, and now it has to be taken away from him. He was so happy," I say.

"And you feel like you're doing to him what Joey did to you," she says.

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