Author's Note #2/ Trilogy Update!

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Hello my lovely readers! The first few chapters of the third book to You & Me and Resilient, You & I, are published now! Happy Late Valentine's Day! I will be doing my best to publish at least one chapter a week. The amount of chapters I'm able to publish a week, will just depend on my schedule as I work in a very busy restaurant. If there's a week where I know I won't be able to update y'all with at least one new chapter, I will do my best to let you know about the absence, and how long it'll be.

I have no idea how long You & I will be, or how it'll end. My writing style is very much, just write and see where the story takes you, but i have a lot of exciting things in mind for You & I, so don't worry, the story will continue on for a while. But, You & I will be the last book published in the series. Maybe one day down the road I'll write a fourth installment, but I don't plan on doing one right after You & I ends. I might even write a spin-off, we'll see.

With all of that being said, please go check out the first seven chapters of You & I!!! And, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for taking this journey with me. My stories have always been an outlet, almost like a journal. They're based off my life (for the most part, obviously some stuff is in there just for the drama lmao) so it means the world to me that there are people out there who want to read it, and enjoy it. Thanks for reading!


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