Battle Training.

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Everyone was chatting as they sat on their respective seat when the gates burst open and a loud voice came "I AM HERE LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!"

"woah, it really is All might"

"Is he wearing his silver age costume"

"He looks so manly in person" everyone talked as izuku said " Yo! All Might-sensei"

"Ah, izuku my boy, how are you?" All might asked as izuku shrugged and said " you know the usual, oh, by the way, baa-chan gave you a warning next time she ain't gonna heal you"

He paled a little as he laughed and said "Haha, izuku my boy, little injuries are nothing!! To be a hero one must be willing to sacrifice himself for others!!" All might ended passionately

Hearing no response for a moment he looked at izuku, everyone turned to see how he would respond as well when izuku said "Huh? You said something all might?"

Everyone fell down as some shouted 'are you deaf' All Might looked a little down and said " Young Izuku, you used to be such a cute,chubby and a good child what did Aizawa do to you?"

"Wait! All might you know izuku?" Sero asked as All Might laughed and said " Yes, i used to play with him when he was a child, he came here regularly with Aizawa so in my free time i played with him, anyways today we will be doing combat training"

"Combat" Izuku began interested in fighting as his inner dragon roared at him to fight.

"Training" finished katsuki as he grinned too, all might then motioned towards the briefcase and said these contain your hero costumes so wear them and come along" All Might instructed.

Everyone took their costumes and entered the arena with izuku arriving last he was wearing natsu's clothes which he wore during his fight with the twin dragons of sabertooth.

Everyone took their costumes and entered the arena with izuku arriving last he was wearing natsu's clothes which he wore during his fight with the twin dragons of sabertooth

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"Sorry i am late" izuku said as he arrived and Everyone looked at him, as he smiled.

"You look good, izu-kun" momo said as she approached izuku, he smiled as he turned to reply but froze as he looked at momo.

A light pink dust spread over his cheeks as he said " Momo, isn't it revealing too much"

She herself blushed as she answered " you know about my quirk, so i have to wear revealing clothes"

"Oh, i understand, anyways you look beautiful, momo" he said with a warm smile.

Her whole face turned scarlet as she whisper/yelled " Baka! You weren't supposed to say that!"

He chuckled as he teased " My,my, then what was i supposed to say~"

She put her hands on her face to hide it, as a cough was heard and they both noticed everyone staring ( in Bakugo's case glaring) at them.

Izuku rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he flushed and quickly said "Sorry"

"Now as i was saying" all might started, " we will do heroes vs villain training, you will be placed in teams of two. As you have seen that villain fights takes place outside hence the ground from entrance exam and you have to take care because this time you are not fighting robots, however you must also keep damage to the lowest."

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