Provisional Liscense Exam

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The day of the exam came as everyone got out of the bus ignoring  izuku who was yelling 'Finally i got out of the demonic bus'

Aizawa then said " So here we are, the exam site Takoba national stadium"

"I'm getting nervous" Sero said trembling a little

"I..i wonder if i can get the Liscense" Sato said sweating.

"Sato don't worry and do your best, same goes for you sero" aizawa advised

"T-thank you, Aizawa-sensei" both said bowing a little.

"All right everyone gather round, plus..." kirishima said as he was interrupted "ULTRA!!" a boy from shiketsu said and another behind him said " don't interrupt others inasa"

The boy now identified as inasa shouted "please accept my humblest apologies!!!!" Bowing so hard that his head hit the ground hard and made cracks on the floor.

Izuku was a little creeped out, as kaminari said " Who is this guy? He sure is ridiculously pumped"

"It's like someone mixed Iida and Kirishima and then squared the result" Sero said

"Che, punks from the west, from Shiketsu high, it'll be fun crushing them" Bakugo said cracking his knuckles.

"Yoarashi inasa" aizawa said as izuku rose a brow and said " The same one who recieved a top score in the exam but for some reason declined his admission?"

"Yes, the same, he is strong" aizawa said

Izuku grinned maliciously, his eyes flashed as he said " It'll be fun crushing him and the others,hahaha" everyone was a little scared and stepped away until izuku felt a very dark aura and turned to see momo standing her eye twitching as she said " You won't be doing anything like that, you dummy" as she smacked his head and izuku shouted "I'm sorry"

"Women are scary" Kaminari said shaking and remembering his some bad times with women when his flirting failed

"Heh,whipped" Bakugo, kaminari, Sero and kirishima mouthed to izuku, who glared at them and said " The hell did you say, i'll show you whose whipped"

Izuku grinned as his fist blazed and he rose a fist until he felt the previously felt dark aura intensified and turned around to see momo who said sweetly " you are not thinking of wasting our time and fighting are you, Zuzu~"

"O-o-of co-course not honey" izuku replied sweating, everyone laughed silently except for kirishima, kaminari, sero and bakugo who had smug faces and laughed loudly until the too felt the dark aura and saw a death glare of momo who said " Shut up please"

"H-hai, maam" they said as izuku gave them a smug face.

They all were then told of the rules and given the balls and miss joke who was sitting next to eraserhead said " Didn't you tell them anything about the crushing of U.A, everytime the exam starts each and every school starts with U.A, they have one goal eliminate U.A"

"Nah, doesn't matter, they all are strong and have the most experience out there, i believe in them" Aizawa replied which surprised Miss Joke.

Everyone rushed out towards 1-a and a boy with black hair called shindo shouted looking at bakugo "An explosion type quirk, strong but we will defeat you" and everyone threw a ball at them

Izuku landed on the ground and grinning said " FIRE DRAGON'S...ROAR!!!!!" He burned away the balls and looking back he shouted " Go everyone!!"

Bakugo smirked and threw his balls instantly hitting two people along with todoroki.

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