Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Dealing With My Brothers

"ABI?" a voice yells and wakes me up. "ASHER?"

Aww sh*t. That's Jack. 

I yawn, and realize where I am and what happened last night. Blushing, I cuddled into Asher's side to hide from my brother. 

"Guys come here!" All the guys run into my room.

"Holy sh*t!" Jordan yells. 

"Since when are they a thing?" Tyler asks. 

"Apparently since last night," Jack answers. 

I guess Asher wakes up, because his arms pull me even closer to him. 

"What do you want?" Asher asks, sounding sleepy.

"What have you done to our sister?" Jack asks. 

"Out!" Asher yells. 

I hear footsteps, and I assume the boys have walked out. 

"Wake up, sleepyhead," Asher whispers into my ear. I wake up, and yawn very loudly. Asher laughs, and sits up. Right when I sit up, he pulls me into a hug Andy kisses my forehead. 

"Good morning," I say while blushing. 

"Hello, beautiful," he says, making me blush even more. I probably look like a tomato. Oh well. 

I took this time to examine Asher's room. His walls are a light blue. On his wall, there is a photo of him and another boy. Asher sees what my eyes landed on, and confirms that the other boy is his brother. On his dresser, there is a trophy and a box. I get out of the bed and look in the box. There is a flower embroidered onto a piece of fabric. It was beautiful. 

"My mother made that for me when I was 8," Asher explains. I put it back in it's box, Andy continued looking around. I saw the football sweatshirt with his name on the back, and stole it. 

"This is now mine." 

Asher laughs, and nods his head. 

"Shoo," Asher says, motioning for me to get out of his room. "We both need to get dressed for school."

I sigh, and leave his room. Right after I close his door, my brothers bombard me with questions.

"What did you guys do?" Jack yells.

"Are you guys together?" Jordan now yells. 

Tyler thankfully keeps quiet, but he removes Asher's sweatshirt from my hands. 

"Hey!" I yell. 

"Stay away from Asher," is all Tyler says. He leaves with my sweatshirt, and all the other boys follow him. I frown and head to my room.

When I get inside my room, I throw on a pair of jeans and one of my sweatshirts. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and headed out the door. When I got downstairs, all the boys were down but Asher's. There was a ton of tension in the air. I grabbed some cereal out of a cabinet, and put it in a red plastic cup. I eat it out of the cup. That means I don't have to wash any dishes. 

Asher walks in the kitchen. I head to stand next to him, but Tyler pulls me back. 

"No," Tyler says. He then turns towards Asher, "Stay away from my sister."

Asher nods his head, and then looks down. I don't say anything, I just run out of the house. I take out my phone, and plug my earbuds in. We only live a mile and a half from our school, so I start to jog. I have 30 minutes to get there, I should be fine.

After 5 minutes, my jog turns into a full on sprint. I can't believe they won't let me talk to someone who lives in the same house as me! In a few minutes, I reach the school. I walk in and go to my locker. I pull out my books, and walk to homeroom.

Since I am the first person in the room, I take the back seat and play on my phone. A few minutes later, people start arriving. Thankfull,y nobody sat next to me. I knew Jordie wasn't coming to school, because she texted me saying she was having bad allergies. I was surprised she was still having allergies, it was May and mine are usually horrible but they already went away.

I look up from my phone, and Asher walks in with a huge black and blue on his jaw.

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